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The question at issue is not whether hypnotism, mesmerism,...
Cambridgeshire Times
The question at issue is not whether hypnotism, mesmerism, and suggestion are justifiable in medical practice, but whether they constitute the healing practiced by Christ Jesus and his disciples, and enjoined by him upon his followers—the healing which the church in this country is beginning to seek after, as an essential part of her Master's charge. I have not expressed any personal views on the matter, but have reminded your readers of two facts, in order that they may form their own judgment: (1) The dangers admittedly involved in mesmeric control, (2) the severe condemnation with which our Master met the assertion that he was employing for a remedial purpose a force associated with evil.
In the years of study and practical experience which followed her discovery of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy learned, step by step, how to distinguish the action of the divine Mind, through "the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality" (Science and Health, p. 581), from that subtle working of the mind of the flesh from which spring the varying phenomena of hypnotism and suggestion. On page 82 of her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," she writes, "In a world of sin and sensuality hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one."
The critic assures us that Christian Scientists are using suggestion, that is, the human mind, all the time. The truth is quite the contrary, since Christian Scientists do not use suggestion and never rely on the human mind. Their entire faith is in the Mind of Christ. The matter is a vital one, not for Christian Scientists only, but for all Christians—indeed, for all thinking people—for it raises these questions: Is there any such thing as effectual prayer? Can the heart of man reach out to his creator and receive an answer, or are all those who pray, and believe their prayers are answered by a merciful and loving God, the dupes of mesmerism and self-mesmerism? For it can hardly be urged that effectual prayer, quite apart from suggestion, is available to others, but never to Christian Scientists! If your correspondent had made any first-hand investigation of Christian Science, he would know that it is quite impossible to explain away the facts of moral regeneration, bodily healing, and improved circumstances by any such hypothesis as he puts forward.
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September 9, 1922 issue
View Issue-
Work and Rest
Christian and Scientific
Correcting Thought
Divine Mind the Only Healer
Matter to Be Proved Unreal
"Having done all, to stand"
In this hour of individual thinking and expression, a critic,...
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
Christian Science explains the Trinity intelligently, and...
Charles W. J. Tennant, Committee on Publication for London, England,
A critic, in a recent issue of your paper, takes exception...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
It was interesting to read your report of a meeting which...
John W. Harwood, Committee on Publication for Lancaster County, England,
The question at issue is not whether hypnotism, mesmerism,...
Agnate F. Butler, Committee on Publication for Cambridgeshire, England,
I am sure you will allow me to correct a misconception of...
Katherine English, Committee on Publication for the Province of British Columbia, Canada,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Leonard L. Defenbaugh, Mary E. Trammell
Freedom Through Obedience
Albert F. Gilmore
Holy Expectation
Ella W. Hoag
Divine Love
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from C. E. Millar, Frank L. Krekel, Hollis J. Backus
I wish to add my testimony to the many others, hoping...
Clarenda Davis
About seventeen years ago my husband was very sick...
Anna R. Bergmann
When I was but a child, an aunt was healed very quickly...
Edith Lunt Smith
In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by...
Minnie C. Baldwin
About fourteen years ago, my dear wife presented me...
Alexander T. King
Christian Science was presented to me for physical healing...
Emma M. Marshall
I wish to acknowledge, through the Sentinel, my healing...
Catherine Duchemin
I wish to record my gratitude for Christian Science
Frances M. Allan
With a deep sense of gratitude and joy I wish to tell...
Naomi A. Dethlefs
What and where I would have been to-day if it had not...
Claude F. Forest
Signs of the Times
with contributions from D. L. Ritchie, Henry Ford, Helen Barrett Montgomery