fourth commandment has its foundation in a great human need, namely, the need of mankind to set aside a sufficient time in which to know God and His law, and to gain an ever advancing understanding of the blessings which follow obedience thereto.
the seventeenth chapter of the gospel of Matthew we read of the case of a lunatic whom the disciples of Jesus could not heal, and we learn through the explanation given by our Master concerning this failure that it was their unbelief which interfered with their work.
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
In this hour of individual thinking and expression, a critic, writing in a recent issue of your paper, of course is entitled to his concept of man as a mortal, complex, material organism; but in contending for the Adam-man, formed "of the dust of the ground," may one not infer that he has inadvertently overlooked the Elohistic or the true record of creation, wherein man is created in the image and likeness of God, with dominion over all the earth, forever untrammeled by any human hypotheses?
Agnate F. Butler, Committee on Publication for Cambridgeshire, England,
The question at issue is not whether hypnotism, mesmerism, and suggestion are justifiable in medical practice, but whether they constitute the healing practiced by Christ Jesus and his disciples, and enjoined by him upon his followers—the healing which the church in this country is beginning to seek after, as an essential part of her Master's charge.
Katherine English, Committee on Publication for the Province of British Columbia, Canada,
I am sure you will allow me to correct a misconception of Christian Science appearing in an issue of your paper, and to state emphatically that Christian Scientists do not employ suggestion in any form in their work of healing sickness and sin.
with contributions from Leonard L. Defenbaugh, Mary E. Trammell
"I have enjoyed the benefits of the beautiful home of The Christian Science Benevolent Association for five weeks, and wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this blessed privilege.
Christian Science God is referred to by different synonyms; and, probably, the one which appeals most strongly to the burdened heart of humanity is Love, the term used by the Apostle John when he said, "God is love," Who can fathom the depths of divine Love?
I did not think myself diseased when Christian Science came to me through a loving friend, but I know now how very inharmonious I was morally and physically; and I am very thankful to Christian Science for all the good it has brought into my life.
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