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I wish to acknowledge, through the Sentinel, my healing...
I wish to acknowledge, through the Sentinel, my healing in Christian Science. Several years ago one of our children received a very bad burn from the explosion of a coal stove. His face was injured most, although his head and hair were also burned. After an application of some prepared cream, which did not give any lasting relief, Christian Science help was offered by one of our neighbors; and as the boy was willing to try it, I did not object, because I did not want to hurt their feelings and I thought reading out of a book could not injure any one. So we sat down and the reading began. We listened very attentively for half an hour, and the boy experienced so much relief that he threw the cotton off his face that I had thought necessary to keep out the cold; and he seemed so happy; and the blisters began to go down. I had a wonderful sense of peace, and could not help knowing that there must be some great power back of all this. I realized there was a great change in my thought toward Christian Science,—a feeling that I had never had before. I did not know anything about how the work was done, but I was soon to find out more about this healing, saving truth. The Scientist did not know we were depending on her to go on with the work, and there was nothing more said until two or three days afterwards. The boy had been out watching some men and they were expressing themselves about his face and their thoughts were of fear and condemnation. His face became inflamed; and the Scientist, seeing him soon after, came over and talked to us and pointed out the way things are done in Science, and some things about so-called mortal mind laws, and we asked her to help us out. She gladly did so, and the redness that had sprung up so quickly was put down in a very short time, which was very gratifying and another proof to me of the power of Christian Science. The healing went on rapidly, and in two weeks' time nearly all of the unsightliness was gone. His face, when entirely well, did not show a scar, for which I have been most grateful.
The first day's work in Science for the boy was the changing point in my life. The Scientist who helped him so wonderfully offered me "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, to read. I gladly accepted, and thought a book that could do so much for any one by just reading it was certainly worth my time to look into to see what it was that did the healing. In reading the chapter on Prayer I found out what that power was. It was God. It seemed to me the whole world had changed; I did not realize it was my thought of the world that was changing.
As I pored over the book, sometimes reading the same line two or three times to catch the real spirit of the word, I became more and more assured that I had found the only thing that was worth while in the world. My eyes were healed from weakness and strain when I first began to read, and I found I could read the finest print and was not affected at all. Before I had finished reading Science and Health I began to realize I was free from several ills from which I had suffered for years. I had been troubled with catarrh, rheumatism, and other weaknesses for a long time; but I found that I was free from them and doing my housework more easily than for a long time; and it all came about so silently that I awoke to the fact that I had been healed by divine Mind. I was grateful that I had found a good God, who was not the author of mortal discords. Through this exalted thought I was healed of things that I had come to believe were a part of man's heritage. I am grateful that Mrs. Eddy has given us the spiritual meaning of man, because we can now see man as God's idea, spiritual and perfect, who never has been subject to sickness, sin, and death.
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September 9, 1922 issue
View Issue-
Work and Rest
Christian and Scientific
Correcting Thought
Divine Mind the Only Healer
Matter to Be Proved Unreal
"Having done all, to stand"
In this hour of individual thinking and expression, a critic,...
Pearl E. Reames, Committee on Publication for the State of Arkansas,
Christian Science explains the Trinity intelligently, and...
Charles W. J. Tennant, Committee on Publication for London, England,
A critic, in a recent issue of your paper, takes exception...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
It was interesting to read your report of a meeting which...
John W. Harwood, Committee on Publication for Lancaster County, England,
The question at issue is not whether hypnotism, mesmerism,...
Agnate F. Butler, Committee on Publication for Cambridgeshire, England,
I am sure you will allow me to correct a misconception of...
Katherine English, Committee on Publication for the Province of British Columbia, Canada,
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Leonard L. Defenbaugh, Mary E. Trammell
Freedom Through Obedience
Albert F. Gilmore
Holy Expectation
Ella W. Hoag
Divine Love
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from C. E. Millar, Frank L. Krekel, Hollis J. Backus
I wish to add my testimony to the many others, hoping...
Clarenda Davis
About seventeen years ago my husband was very sick...
Anna R. Bergmann
When I was but a child, an aunt was healed very quickly...
Edith Lunt Smith
In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by...
Minnie C. Baldwin
About fourteen years ago, my dear wife presented me...
Alexander T. King
Christian Science was presented to me for physical healing...
Emma M. Marshall
I wish to acknowledge, through the Sentinel, my healing...
Catherine Duchemin
I wish to record my gratitude for Christian Science
Frances M. Allan
With a deep sense of gratitude and joy I wish to tell...
Naomi A. Dethlefs
What and where I would have been to-day if it had not...
Claude F. Forest
Signs of the Times
with contributions from D. L. Ritchie, Henry Ford, Helen Barrett Montgomery