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Onward and Upward
A Student of the divine metaphysics of Christian Science and an investigator of the phenomena of material existence are not unlike two men standing at the foot of a mountain range, the one intent upon scaling the heights above, the other on penetrating deeper and ever deeper into the mass before him in search of the good he desires. The farther the materialist progresses, the darker the way and the denser his surroundings, the sharper his sense of limitation, and the greater his dependence upon artificial means of sustaining life is apt to become. The higher the Christian Scientist climbs, the broader his outlook and the less limited his vision; until, as he moves onward and upward, he experiences more and ever more of the freedom Samuel Longfellow portrays in the words:—
The freer step, the fuller breath,
The wide horizon's grander view,
The sense of Life that knows no death,—
The Life that maketh all things new.
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August 26, 1922 issue
View Issue-
The Adornment of Meekness
Onward and Upward
Righteous Judgment
The Beatitudes
Man Cooperative, not Competitive
Kindly allow me to say a word in your columns with...
Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church,
The Rev. Watten F. Evans of Claremont, New Hampshire,...
J. N. Van Patten, Committee on Publication for Southern California,
That your readers may not be misled to think that Christian Science...
Willis D. McKinstry, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
Your report of the address on "Spiritual Healing" in the...
Stanley M. Sydenham, Committee on Publication for the County of York,
Since a contributor in a recent issue of your paper charges...
Aaron E. Brandt, Committee on Publication for the State of Pennsylvania,
The Christian Science church does not talk about its...
Evelyn L. Webb, Committee on Publication for County of Antrim, Ireland,
"New tongues"
Albert F. Gilmore
A Sure Defense
Ella W. Hoag
"The whole armour of God"
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Charles W. J. Tennant, Ella J. Bolton, L. J. Corbey
The absolute efficiency of scientific, correct thinking,...
Aimee G. Sturm
It is with a heart filled with joy that I testify to a most...
Ruby Meisenbach
This testimony is given in grateful acknowledgment of...
Eleanor C. Brooks
Our problem of employment and supply has been met...
Ethel Robinson
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Edith L. Davis with contributions from Herbert C. Davis
It is with a feeling of deep gratitude that I testify to having...
Nellie Hatch Stevenson
I take great pleasure in giving my testimony of what...
Cecelia Sanders
Signs of the Times
with contributions from William T. Ellis, Edward W. Bok, Basil A. Yeaxlee, Henry B. Wilson, Frank A. Powell