of the outstanding characteristics of testimonies given at Wednesday evening meetings of Christian Science congregations throughout the world, and appearing in the authorized periodicals, is gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
A Student
of the divine metaphysics of Christian Science and an investigator of the phenomena of material existence are not unlike two men standing at the foot of a mountain range, the one intent upon scaling the heights above, the other on penetrating deeper and ever deeper into the mass before him in search of the good he desires.
is but one way of admission to the kingdom of heaven, and that is through gaining that beatific consciousness of eternal harmony which Jesus, the great Way-shower for all mankind, has made so plain in his wonderful Sermon on the Mount.
Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church,
Kindly allow me to say a word in your columns with reference to the comment on Christian Science in a recent issue of your paper by one who attended a recent lecture on this subject.
Willis D. McKinstry, Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
That your readers may not be misled to think that Christian Science and spiritualism are akin to each other, kindly grant me space to say that there is no possible blending or mixing the teachings of Christian Science with spiritualism.
Evelyn L. Webb, Committee on Publication for County of Antrim, Ireland,
The Christian Science church does not talk about its charities, obeying the Master's injunction, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth;" but in justice to your readers who may be deceived by misleading remarks, I state with authority, and can give proof if necessary, that the Christian Science church has spent, and is spending, many thousands of pounds in comforts and food for Armenians, Russians, and those distressed in other countries.
chapters of the New Testament have been more carefully examined by Biblical scholars than the sixteenth chapter of Mark, which relates how Christ Jesus commanded his followers, among other duties, to carry far afield, even into all the world, the gospel of good tidings he had taught and so wonderfully exemplified.
centuries have passed since Paul addressed his epistle "to all that be in Rome;" and time has but accentuated the brilliance of his analysis of the unprofitable nature of the works of the flesh and of the life-giving power of Spirit, and the wisdom of his exhortations to holiness contained therein.
The Christian Science Board of Directors is in receipt of communications from branch churches in the United States containing resolutions recently passed regarding the situation in Asia Minor.
Seven years ago, I went to a Christian Science practitioner to get help for my boy, who was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine, and other bones of the body.
The absolute efficiency of scientific, correct thinking, when one takes as a premise divine Mind and its attributes, has been so clearly, so forcibly proved in my family that I joyfully and gratefully offer my "bit," with the hope that it may be the cup of cold water to some struggling mortal.
It is with a feeling of deep gratitude that I testify to having been lifted from spiritual darkness into the light of Truth through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and into the recognition of the fact that I live and move and have my being in God, divine Principle.
During the last fifteen years I have turned to Christian Science for relief from every ailment; and have been healed of stomach trouble, headaches, rheumatism, and other ills of long standing.
Articles from members of The Mother Church and good testimonies from those healed by Christian Science are always welcomed for consideration by the Editors.
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