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I feel that I should add my testimony to the thousands...
I feel that I should add my testimony to the thousands from grateful people who have been healed and regenerated in Christian Science. Some years ago I was suffering from an attack of nervous prostration and valvular heart trouble in such a dangerous form that four insurance companies would not risk a five hundred dollar policy on my life. The doctors had been telling me for years that I would no doubt pass on very suddenly. I was discouraged, nervous, and disheartened, when a "still small voice" said: Try Christian Science. I knew nothing of it and knew no Christian Scientists; but one day I walked to the church nearest my home and, it being a week-day, found the doors locked. Rather hopelessly I went around knocking on all the doors, until finally one was opened and I was lovingly invited in to look at the church, was told where to procure the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and asked to attend the church services. I immediately procured the textbook and found a very little used Bible in our home, threw out all my medicines, including the favorite remedies of my family (much to their dismay); then I said: I shall give this Science a fair trial; materia medica has not helped me. In a week I was healed. I slept like a child, had no more hemorrhages from the heart trouble, and forgot that I was a victim of nervous prostration.
My husband was healed of a serious chronic condition through reading the textbook and trusting to God's supreme love. My eldest daughter had a sudden attack of blindness, and in ten weeks her sight was restored. We have continued to have remarkable healings; and our gratitude is boundless to God, our loving Father-Mother, to Christ Jesus our Wayshower, and to Mary Baker Eddy for her purity of thought and consecrated love that has brought once more this healing truth to mankind.
(Mrs.) Estelle F. Stanhope, New York, N. Y.
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April 29, 1922 issue
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Doing, Not Trying to Do
Meekness is Might
"Moulding and chiseling thought"
"A time to break down"
Scientific Right Thinking
In order that Christian Science may properly be distinguished...
Aaron E. Brandt
In answering the criticism on Christian Science given by...
Brigman C. Odom
In a recent edition of the Journal an article appeared...
Peter B. Biggins
Church Building in Christian Science
Anna Friendlich
On Seeing the Father
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
One Perfect Premise
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Eva Lassalle, J. Edwin Jensen
It is with love and gratitude to God that I write this...
Virda M. Hamilton
What does Christian Science mean to me?
Julia W. Thomas
About twelve years ago, on the invitation of a friend, I...
Elizabeth Shaw Mitchell
It gives me great pleasure to send the following testimony...
Jeannie G. Hunter
If we would realize that our testimony, however small,...
Helen R. Handy
I feel that I should add my testimony to the thousands...
Estelle F. Stanhope
It would be impossible to express in words my gratitude...
Elizabeth Trumbull
Recently I fell and sprained my ankle
Lucy M. Berg
I am so thankful for all that Christian Science has done...
Anna Kucera with contributions from Joseph M. Kucera
A scalding accident at the age of two years so shocked...
John Montgomery Turner with contributions from Jane Hall Turner
I am grateful to give my experience in Christian Science...
Lillian E. Little
I wish to testify to a beautiful healing
Leota Caruthers
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Angell of Yale, Mountford Mills, Alfred W. Martin, Percy Dearmer, Constance M. Coltman, John D. Barry
with contributions from Clerk of The Mother Church