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What does Christian Science mean to me?
What does Christian Science mean to me? Each year of my life it means more. In the first place, long ago it gave me the freedom of physical health after several years of invalidism, which was apparently caused by a difficulty with the whole digestive apparatus. Food was distressing to me. I had spent weeks in two different sanitariums and had been under the care of many physicians; but in spite of all efforts to heal me I seemed to be slowly starving to death. I did not turn to Christian Science for healing until after all hope of recovery had been given up. In less than a week's treatment from a practitioner I could take any food I desired with perfect comfort. Very soon the other difficulties either vanished or were so improved as to cause me little trouble. I was suddenly freed from a long and terrible bondage.
This was an instance of quick healing. One would think I should have been perfectly happy; but, strangely enough, it seemed to be only the beginning of a slow working out of morbid mental conditions that had clouded all my childhood and early youth. I can hardly express what this process has been. Through it the lessons learned have been valuable beyond all estimate. First, I learned to be grateful. I had not known the meaning of gratitude. Is it any wonder that the digestive organs had refused to function? Gradually, very gradually, came the "childlike trust," "heaven-born hope, and spiritual love," of which our Leader speaks in "The New Birth" on page 15 of "Miscellaneous Writings." I was being lifted out of the "mists of materiality" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 205) through an understanding of the truth as shown in Christian Science.
For guidance in all things, Christian Science has taught me to turn to the Word of God in prayer. It has taught me that that Word which guided Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets; which made Jesus the great Way-shower, and turned Saul the persecutor of Christians into Paul the preacher of Christ; which led our Leader into "the land of Christian Science" (Science and Health, p. 226),—that same Word can be heard by every earnest seeker of the way of Life. And so for Christian Science, which has brought me health, joy, the illumination of the Scriptures, and the understanding of true prayer and its power, I thank God.
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April 29, 1922 issue
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Doing, Not Trying to Do
Meekness is Might
"Moulding and chiseling thought"
"A time to break down"
Scientific Right Thinking
In order that Christian Science may properly be distinguished...
Aaron E. Brandt
In answering the criticism on Christian Science given by...
Brigman C. Odom
In a recent edition of the Journal an article appeared...
Peter B. Biggins
Church Building in Christian Science
Anna Friendlich
On Seeing the Father
Albert F. Gilmore
Duncan Sinclair
One Perfect Premise
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Eva Lassalle, J. Edwin Jensen
It is with love and gratitude to God that I write this...
Virda M. Hamilton
What does Christian Science mean to me?
Julia W. Thomas
About twelve years ago, on the invitation of a friend, I...
Elizabeth Shaw Mitchell
It gives me great pleasure to send the following testimony...
Jeannie G. Hunter
If we would realize that our testimony, however small,...
Helen R. Handy
I feel that I should add my testimony to the thousands...
Estelle F. Stanhope
It would be impossible to express in words my gratitude...
Elizabeth Trumbull
Recently I fell and sprained my ankle
Lucy M. Berg
I am so thankful for all that Christian Science has done...
Anna Kucera with contributions from Joseph M. Kucera
A scalding accident at the age of two years so shocked...
John Montgomery Turner with contributions from Jane Hall Turner
I am grateful to give my experience in Christian Science...
Lillian E. Little
I wish to testify to a beautiful healing
Leota Caruthers
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Angell of Yale, Mountford Mills, Alfred W. Martin, Percy Dearmer, Constance M. Coltman, John D. Barry
with contributions from Clerk of The Mother Church