deliverance from error, whereby we rejoice in immortality, boundless freedom, and sinless sense, is not reached through paths of flowers nor by pinning one's faith without works to another 's vicarious effort".
fact which has greatly impressed the interested observer of the Christian Science movement is the impetus which it has given to the systematic study of the Bible.
Christian Science
in its presentation of Truth is helping mankind to use every least revelation of God's word and is teaching us to understand what Paul meant when he said, "For in him we live, and move, and have our being.
I Rose
and missed the glowing lightThat yestermorn had made earth bright,And glancing westward thrilled to seeThe flaming red sent back to meFrom windows in an old barn loft,Which glowed like jewels rich and soft.
If the insistence of Christian Science upon the allness of God and the consequent nothingness of matter seems startling or troublesome to mortal mind, this does not warrant a contemptuous dismissal of the proposition without investigation.
Your New Year greetings and advice have the right ring, are lofty in sentiment, and are to be commended, with the exception of the reference to Christian Science, which, though kindly in intent, might be misleading to the uninformed.
An article in the Times-Picayune quotes remarks of a prominent Chicago physician, who referred to Christian Science as one of the "little foxes" which interfere with public health work.
The clergyman who has undertaken to criticize Christian Science propounds a number of questions, many of which in the light of actual facts are merely frivolous.
are occupied with questions political, balancing preferences, valuing promises, assaying threats, in an endeavor to establish states and estates, while about them swirls the mesmerism of fear, pride, ambition, malignity, and self-will.
I rejoice in the words of the psalmist, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.
Julius E. Burmeister
with contributions from Elizabeth Burmeister
Like a great many others I came to Christian Science for physical healing after all material remedies had failed, and have received so many benefits that I want to give this testimony and thereby in a measure express my great thankfulness to God and for Christian Science.
When I was healed of fear several years ago through Christian Science, I thought it the most wonderful healing anyone could have, for I knew that physicians could prescribe nothing which would heal this trouble.
For many years I have received countless blessings through Christian Science, and in the hope that it may help others who have a sense of fear and limitation, I give this testimony.
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