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Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe...
Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe Christian Science for the good it has brought and is bringing to me each day. Being by nature full of care, emotional, and sensitive, I did not find in the religious teaching I had received anything that met my heart's aspirations or answered the troubled questioning about human woe. I therefore thought it was only by intensifying my work that I could follow Christ, and by trying to drive away the evil thoughts that attacked me. It soon came to me that I was busying myself intellectually instead of remaining calmly at the feet of Jesus to receive spiritual teaching.
Following upon this overwrought sense I fell seriously ill in April, 1914. Medicine only made me worse. I believed that God alone would be my Physician, and patiently awaited His help. I spent a year in isolation and silence. The least noise, the least movement, reading, an effort to think, even the slightest attempt to take food, produced an indescribable sense of suffering. Rest improved my health, but was far from bringing me healing.
Several times I had heard of Christian Science, but it was not until January, 1917, that I started out fully in this way of Truth. I had treatment, and soon began to feel better. Vigor gradually came back to my limbs, and the organs of the body resumed their normal functions through the clearness of the teaching received. I began to understand the nonexistence of inharmony, and tried to think right. My fear gave way to a calm security in the certainty of the all-presence and all-power of God, Spirit. In October, 1917, I had the great joy of being able to earn my own living once again without feeling any fatigue. Every one says my healing is a miracle, a resurrection.
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June 1, 1918 issue
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The Strength of an Army
Making Our Burden Light
God Unchanging
"Loss is gain"
O Heart of Mine
In these days when there is so much need of spiritual...
Peter B. Biggins
Christian Science, in accepting the spiritual creation as...
Robert G. Steel
The Household of God
William P. McKenzie
God Made Manifest
Annie M. Knott
The Eagle and the Dove
William D. McCrackan
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, Christian Science War Relief
The Lectures
with contributions from Duncan Webb, Robert E. Buffum, Walter G. Hayes, J. D. Sherwood, Willis J. Abbott
Having spent the greater part of my life from 1902 to...
Charles P. Gough
Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe...
Louisa Schenk
For nearly eleven years Christian Science has met my...
Elizabeth Pickrill
I first heard of Christian Science in Chicago about sixteen...
Katherine Close
The study of Christian Science has revealed a glimpse of...
James Barr Wiles
I am very grateful for the many blessings my family and...
Ella M. Schwarz
I am grateful for the privilege of expressing gratitude to...
Clara D. Longley
It is with heartfelt gratitude to our Father-Mother God...
Minnie Adell Schenberger
Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for...
Sida Louisa de la Mer
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...
Bertha M. Presby
I have gained so much from reading the Sentinel that I...
Jess Woolman Harlan
I came into Christian Science for the love and truth and...
Laura E. Wheeler
From the Press
with contributions from G. Ashton Oldham
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society