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Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for...
Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for Christian Science, not alone for the physical help received through my study and application of its teachings, but more so for the spiritual uplift, for a clearer understanding of God, of my relationship to Him, and of the brotherhood of man. For eleven years I thought it necessary to wear a truss, and seemed unable to go without it even for a day. One day it broke and I was obliged to walk down town without it. I had been told this was a most dangerous thing to do, so was fearful lest some mishap should befall me. Job tells us that the thing he greatly feared came upon him; so before the day was ended, a serious condition set in. I kept at my work for several hours, not knowing what was the trouble nor telling anyone of my suffering, and finally became unconscious. I was then taken to a hospital and hurriedly operated on, although I was not aware of what had happened until the nurse told me, after it was all over. The operation was not successful, as the incision healed outwardly but not inwardly; so my condition was worse than before. Not wanting to submit to another operation, I was again fitted to a truss.
At the time of the operation I had some knowledge of Christian Science, but it was not until two or three years later that it dawned upon me that this healing truth was for me as well as for my fellow beings, not alone to talk and read about, but to put into practice. I studied diligently, trying to apply its teachings to my everyday problems, and one day the thought came to me that I need not wear this support nor look upon this trouble as a part of me; that I was free if only I was able to realize it. I saw that this condition was only a manifestation of fearful mortal mind, which had become so real to me that never before had the thought come to me that it was only an erroneous belief. For a couple of days I battled with this error, then one morning I cut the straps of the support. Words cannot express the freedom I felt. I dressed and walked out, soon forgetting that I had ever been in bondage to a truss. This experience occurred about eight years ago, and I am completely healed.
This has been a wonderful lesson to me. On page 199 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, "Mortals develop their own bodies or make them sick, according as they influence them through mortal mind." I am grateful for the knowledge that we can dismiss disease in proportion to the occupancy of our thoughts by truth. I am grateful for the protection daily experienced through Christian Science.
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June 1, 1918 issue
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The Strength of an Army
Making Our Burden Light
God Unchanging
"Loss is gain"
O Heart of Mine
In these days when there is so much need of spiritual...
Peter B. Biggins
Christian Science, in accepting the spiritual creation as...
Robert G. Steel
The Household of God
William P. McKenzie
God Made Manifest
Annie M. Knott
The Eagle and the Dove
William D. McCrackan
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, Christian Science War Relief
The Lectures
with contributions from Duncan Webb, Robert E. Buffum, Walter G. Hayes, J. D. Sherwood, Willis J. Abbott
Having spent the greater part of my life from 1902 to...
Charles P. Gough
Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe...
Louisa Schenk
For nearly eleven years Christian Science has met my...
Elizabeth Pickrill
I first heard of Christian Science in Chicago about sixteen...
Katherine Close
The study of Christian Science has revealed a glimpse of...
James Barr Wiles
I am very grateful for the many blessings my family and...
Ella M. Schwarz
I am grateful for the privilege of expressing gratitude to...
Clara D. Longley
It is with heartfelt gratitude to our Father-Mother God...
Minnie Adell Schenberger
Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for...
Sida Louisa de la Mer
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...
Bertha M. Presby
I have gained so much from reading the Sentinel that I...
Jess Woolman Harlan
I came into Christian Science for the love and truth and...
Laura E. Wheeler
From the Press
with contributions from G. Ashton Oldham
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society