with ever increasing earnestness of purpose the United States prepares to perform to the full its part in the world war, great events in the history of our country appear to its citizens in a clearer light and with a deeper signification.
student of the New Testament is familiar with the parables of the good Samaritan and the prodigal son; and all who read them are struck by their simplicity and by the depth of the compassion which they illustrate.
year since I began the study of Christian Science, I have experienced better health and more of joy and happiness, because I have steadily grown in my understanding of God and my relation to Him.
In these days when there is so much need of spiritual comfort, when people are rightly turning for solace to the promises of Christianity, large numbers are finding this consolation and healing through the teachings of Christian Science.
From a report in the Review of the proceedings at a recent meeting of the Itinerants' Club I notice that one of the speakers selected as the subject of his discourse, "Substitutes for Christian Science.
Christian Science, in accepting the spiritual creation as the only reality, explains logically and convincingly the unreal nature of the material formation recorded in the second chapter of Genesis, and harmonizes the many seemingly inconsistent and contradictory texts occurring throughout the Scriptures.
defines the household of God in a letter to Timothy as "the church of the living God, the pillar and ground [that is, basis, foundation, bulwark] of the truth.
Christian Scientists are acquainted with the inspired statement which is read at the close of every Sunday service in the Christian Science churches throughout the world, and which is part of the "scientific statement of being" found on <a class="tome-reference"
It is with heartfelt gratitude to our Father-Mother God, and to the noble woman who has given to this age a demonstrable understanding of His law, that I write this testimony.
Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for Christian Science, not alone for the physical help received through my study and application of its teachings, but more so for the spiritual uplift, for a clearer understanding of God, of my relationship to Him, and of the brotherhood of man.
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was suffering from the effects of a severe accident in which I had been run over by a horse and wagon going at great speed.
I have gained so much from reading the Sentinel that I wish to express my thankfulness to God that this beautiful truth is for all time and all people, and my gratitude to His messenger, Mrs.
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