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I desire to express my gratitude for a healing experienced...
I desire to express my gratitude for a healing experienced through Christian Science in October, 1913. I had suffered for many weeks from gallstones and appendicitis, and during that time was treated by a well-known physician of this city. My condition, however, gradually grew worse, and an operation was declared to be the only means of relief. It was while I was preparing to go to the hospital that a friend urged me to try Christian Science. I finally consented to do so, and a practitioner was called, with the result that I was instantly healed, being up and about my household duties the next day.
This is only one of many proofs of God's love and care for me and mine, for during my four years' study of Christian Science, I have had other healings. Chronic stomach disorder and valvular heart trouble of twelve years' duration, both of which ailments three doctors had pronounced incurable, have yielded to the power of Truth, and among the members of my family I have witnessed the overcoming of tubercular disease, catarrh, and severe headaches. For all these benefits I am extremely grateful, but the richest blessing I have to-day and the one for which I am most thankful, is the right understanding I have gained of God and of man's relationship to Him.
(Mrs.) D. R. Young, Chicago, Ill.
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June 1, 1918 issue
View Issue-
The Strength of an Army
Making Our Burden Light
God Unchanging
"Loss is gain"
O Heart of Mine
In these days when there is so much need of spiritual...
Peter B. Biggins
Christian Science, in accepting the spiritual creation as...
Robert G. Steel
The Household of God
William P. McKenzie
God Made Manifest
Annie M. Knott
The Eagle and the Dove
William D. McCrackan
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, Christian Science War Relief
The Lectures
with contributions from Duncan Webb, Robert E. Buffum, Walter G. Hayes, J. D. Sherwood, Willis J. Abbott
Having spent the greater part of my life from 1902 to...
Charles P. Gough
Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe...
Louisa Schenk
For nearly eleven years Christian Science has met my...
Elizabeth Pickrill
I first heard of Christian Science in Chicago about sixteen...
Katherine Close
The study of Christian Science has revealed a glimpse of...
James Barr Wiles
I am very grateful for the many blessings my family and...
Ella M. Schwarz
I am grateful for the privilege of expressing gratitude to...
Clara D. Longley
It is with heartfelt gratitude to our Father-Mother God...
Minnie Adell Schenberger
Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for...
Sida Louisa de la Mer
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...
Bertha M. Presby
I have gained so much from reading the Sentinel that I...
Jess Woolman Harlan
I came into Christian Science for the love and truth and...
Laura E. Wheeler
From the Press
with contributions from G. Ashton Oldham
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society