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Each year since I began the study of Christian Science, I have experienced better health and more of joy and happiness, because I have steadily grown in my understanding of God and my relation to Him. Previous to this time I had not known for many years what it was to have one day free from some pain or ache, and worry and fear were my almost constant companions. I was not quickly healed, and it has taken much study and striving to eradicate wholly the many wrong habits of thought, but the comfort and peace of mind which I have attained are well worth any amount of work and striving, and I know that I have so far had but a glimpse of the joy that a fuller understanding of God as divine Principle brings.
Even a very slight perception of Christian Science brings to the student a measure of protection from all the shafts of error, as was proved to me in the first years of my study, when I went to live in the tropics of Central America, where I remained for two years and a half. During this time I learned the great value of our literature, thought it was about a month old when it reached me. My study of the Lesson-Sermon and the reading of the Sentinel and Journal enabled me to overcome every fear of climate and to realize that one can be as healthy in one country as another; as Mrs. Eddy has stated on page 120 of Science and Health, "Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind."
At one time, while living in Nicaragua, I was obliged to be alone for a period of eighty days, with no one to speak to except the half-breed Spaniards, Jamaica negroes and Indians, who were in our employ, as we were in the heart of the mining district; but during this time I clung unswervingly to the truths of Christian Science, and so realized the protection which even a slight understanding of Truth always brings. During many trying night hours the ninety-first psalm was a great comfort, especially the ninth and tenth verses. The morning after my solitude came to an end a large snake, supposed to be poisonous, was caught crawling down the wall of my sleeping room, and its nest was found a short distance from the house. Had this occurred while I was alone, it would have been difficult indeed for me to have slept there, and I knew then that I had been protected because of my faithful adherence to the teachings of Christian Science.
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June 1, 1918 issue
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The Strength of an Army
Making Our Burden Light
God Unchanging
"Loss is gain"
O Heart of Mine
In these days when there is so much need of spiritual...
Peter B. Biggins
Christian Science, in accepting the spiritual creation as...
Robert G. Steel
The Household of God
William P. McKenzie
God Made Manifest
Annie M. Knott
The Eagle and the Dove
William D. McCrackan
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, Christian Science War Relief
The Lectures
with contributions from Duncan Webb, Robert E. Buffum, Walter G. Hayes, J. D. Sherwood, Willis J. Abbott
Having spent the greater part of my life from 1902 to...
Charles P. Gough
Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe...
Louisa Schenk
For nearly eleven years Christian Science has met my...
Elizabeth Pickrill
I first heard of Christian Science in Chicago about sixteen...
Katherine Close
The study of Christian Science has revealed a glimpse of...
James Barr Wiles
I am very grateful for the many blessings my family and...
Ella M. Schwarz
I am grateful for the privilege of expressing gratitude to...
Clara D. Longley
It is with heartfelt gratitude to our Father-Mother God...
Minnie Adell Schenberger
Words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for...
Sida Louisa de la Mer
When I became interested in Christian Science, I was...
Bertha M. Presby
I have gained so much from reading the Sentinel that I...
Jess Woolman Harlan
I came into Christian Science for the love and truth and...
Laura E. Wheeler
From the Press
with contributions from G. Ashton Oldham
with contributions from The Christian Science Publishing Society