A communication from one signing himself "A Scientific...

Derby (England) Express

A communication from one signing himself "A Scientific Christian" refers to Christian Science in such a manner as to call for a reply.

What is a scientific Christian? I find that a Christian is defined as "one who believes or professes or is assumed to believe in Jesus Christ and the truth as taught by him;" and "scientific" means "evincing science or systematic knowledge." Therefore a scientific Christian is one who evinces a scientific or systematic knowledge of the truth as taught by Jesus the Christ. Now our Master said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." We presume, therefore, that your correspondent has this knowledge and is able to demonstrate it. We expect he heals the sick by the same method by which Jesus healed them, and reforms the sinner by the same process.

Mrs. Eddy discovered that the so-called miracles of the prophets, Christ Jesus, his disciples, and the early Christians, were performed by their understanding of the spiritual laws of divine Principle. She proved conclusively that the power which enabled the people of 900 B. C. to multiply oil and meal, raise the dead, and make iron float, was the same which enabled Christ Jesus to multiply loaves and fishes, raise the dead, and walk on the water, and is the same which in 1900 A. D. is enabling Christian Scientists to heal the sick. We are told in the general epistle of James that "the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." Could anyting be plainer, or a greater inducement to find out what is this prayer of faith?

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