On page 350 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says...

On page 350 of Science and Health Mrs. Eddy says, "Truth casts out error and heals the sick," and I am extremely grateful for having had this fact demonstrated to me in the healing of our three year old daughter. One morning when being dressed she began to cry and to complain of pain, so I telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner, who gave her absent treatment. By hald past ten the child was playing around and continually asking to go out. So we went out, but as it was intensely cold we remained only about an hour. After lunch she slept for a while, and then awoke refreshed and had a good afternoon, but she passed a rather restless night, complaining of pain in the ear.

In the morning she could not raise her head from the bed without crying with pain, and for a few moments I felt fearful, but immediately telephoned the practitioner and asked for help. I then declared the truth audibly to my daughter, who listened attentively. In a short time she had conquered her fear of sitting up, the color began to come back to her cheeks, and the heaviness departed from her eyes. By half past nine she was almost herself again and wanted to get out of bed. She was allowed to do so and played around as usual, showing no ill effects. When the practitioner arrived she was overjoyed to find the child so much improved, and gave her another treatment. That was the end of the ailment; the child was completely healed.

I sent this testimony with the hope that some one who reads it may feel more confidence in the efficacy of Christian Science in the healing of children. When I think of the glory and wonder of these speedy healings, of which we have had other than this one proof, and compare them with the length of time which similar conditions have required for relief under medical treatment, words fail to express my love and thankfulness. May my daily life and steadfast reliance on Truth prove my sincerity and love to God.

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Testimony of Healing
We have been interested in Christian Science for about...
February 17, 1917

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