The Daily Trade Record says: "Competitors of the Japanese in foreign markets, who had hoped that the new factory law, which will become effective in Japan on Sept.
is a very easy matter to say that we have all the time there is in which to accomplish certain tasks, but the question which naturally arises is whether we are spending it profitably or unprofitably.
, in every busy city, clubs and stores have recognized the need of places for rest and quiet, and have supplied that need according to their sense, making generous provision for the physical comfort of their fellow men.
beginner in Christian Science, who is endeavoring to gain a knowledge of its teachings and thus be the recipient of the good which is in store for all of God's children, may be at a loss to understand the quiet yet positive assurance that accompanies the remarks of his Christian Science friends, that his problem, whatever it may be, is already solved, that the answer is already awaiting him, as God's work is done, and that in reality there is no problem.
the month of March, 1913, while living in a small town in Colorado, we had occasion to visit our ranch, which was located twenty-five miles from where we were living.
In a recent issue appears an article under the caption, "Christian Science versus Christ," in which a clergyman takes occasion to present his viewpoint of Christian Science.
There recently appeared in the News two letters signed "Common Fellow" which discussed Christian Science, and because they acknowledged that benefit was to be derived from its study and were favorable in their tone, they brought forth a criticism signed "Great Selfless One.
is no infrequent occurrence to find in newspaper reports of meetings of medical societies and other representative bodies, that some one has delivered an address recommending the use of hypnotism, either as a labor-saving device or as a general cure-all.
tendency of the human mind is to shirk responsibility,—to leave as much as possible to others,—and thus to miss the manifold blessings which come from being "workers together" with God, as Paul puts it.
With a grateful heart I send this testimony of what Christian Science has done for me, and my sincere hope is that it may bring a ray of light to some sufferer who is trying to break the bonds of material belief.
It is nearly nine years since I first heard of Christian Science and was told that the varicose veins, on account of which I had always been obliged to wear special stockings and bandages that made my legs very uncomfortable, could be healed.
When I came to California, in 1906, suffering from chronic bronchitis and in the first stages of lung trouble, I was very antagonistic toward what I thought Christian Science to be, but two years later began to read the Sentinel, and enjoyed it so much I subscribed for it.
For many years I had longed for understanding of God and of the Bible, and at last Christian Science brought the perfectly satisfying explanation, as well as a message of great joy and peace.
Gratitude impels me to send in these lines as a testimony of the many blessings which I have received since becoming acquainted with Christian Science.
Words but feebly express my gratitude for Christian Science and what it is accomplishing for our little family, not only in healing, thereby proving that the Bible is true, but in bringing to us peace and happiness.
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