I have awakened to the fact that the time has arrived for...

I have awakened to the fact that the time has arrived for me to express my gratitude for the blessings that have come to me since I took up the study of Christian Science. Many seemingly discordant conditions have been overcome very quickly, both for my children and myself, through the power of Truth. I am most grateful for the strength and comfort that were given me recently when one of our loved ones passed on. The peace that can come to one at such a time by realizing a higher sense of this experience is unmeasured. The truth was a rod and a staff to me, and did indeed comfort me. I wish to give thanks here also to all those who have lovingly helped me along my way and smoothed out many rough places for me. The spiritual understanding that I have gained so far is my greatest treasure, and I mean to add to it by daily living the truth.

I am sincerely thankful to God for the many blessings, the happiness and contentment, that have been mine since I came into Christian Science, and am deeply grateful to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for her untiring efforts in placing before the world again this healing and saving truth.

Gladys C. Fontaine, San Jose, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
I am thankful for the privilege of giving my testimony
June 26, 1915

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