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A traveling evangelist in your city has aroused considerable...
The Express
A traveling evangelist in your city has aroused considerable comment on account of his bitter attacks on Christian Science. In making these attacks he is merely reiterating the same stock objections he used in other communities of the state. The fact that these charges have been repeatedly disproved elsewhere, apparently makes no difference to this reverend gentleman, who repeats the same distorted and partizan charges wherever he goes. Mrs. Eddy once said of Christian Scientists, "Your enemies will advertise for you" (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 191). Certainly the attacks of this evangelist have proved the truth of that statement. In all the towns of Colorado where this critic has made attacks, increased attendance has been at once noted at the Christian Science services.
If what this clergyman says about Christian Science were true, the movement would long ago have fallen of its own weight; but it steadily continues to grow in the estimation of the public, and constantly attracts to its standard men and women of intelligence, character, and integrity, and this despite fifty years of unfair and partizan attacks.
The reason for the growth of Christian Science is easily discerned by the man who takes the trouble to investigate. Christian Science is essentially a practical, demonstrable religion. To the sick man it opens the riches of the religion of Christ Jesus, and he is healed. To the business man involved in financial difficulties it points to the limitless capacities of divine Love to supply his need and to save him from his fears and his human sense of limitations, with the result that he learns, though perhaps slowly, to trust in the beneficent care of this loving Father, who ever supplies the needs of His children.
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June 26, 1915 issue
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Healing Natural and Normal
Wise Distribution
True Humility
Love's Power
"As a hen gathereth her chickens"
The reference to Christian Science in a lecture on the...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Not an Exclusive Privilege
Archibald McLellan
A Talking Serpent
Annie M. Knott
Refuge in God
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Bliss Knapp, S. W. Mason, Almon C. Binkley, S. W. Condon, F. S. Churchill
With heartfelt gratitude for many blessings received...
Francis Drake
I have awakened to the fact that the time has arrived for...
Gladys C. Fontaine
I am thankful for the privilege of giving my testimony
C. W. Blondin
A few years ago I knew nothing of Christian Science...
Charles Blondin
It is with heartfelt gratitude that I offer this testimony of...
Julia E. Dudley
I wish to express my gratitude for the great blessings...
William A. Douglass
After many years of suffering I was confined to my bed...
Maud Guthrey-Evans with contributions from Margaret Ransom
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell