[Translated from the German]

I am filled with joy and gratitude for the privilege of...

I am filled with joy and gratitude for the privilege of testifying herewith to my healing of a trouble of long years' standing through the power of God in Christian Science. After the birth of my daughter, now thirteen years old, I was left with a paralyzed condition of the left side, which was declared to be very serious by both physicians in attendance. Fifteen weeks later I managed to get up, though with great difficulty. The improvement was only of short duration, however, and as soon as any problem confronted me, the old trouble would manifest itself, and I had to be under medical treatment almost constantly.

Four years later I experienced a hard blow, in that I became a widow and was left with six children who were not provided for. As a consequence, my circumstances were not such that I could call in a physician whenever one was needed. Indeed, the daily hard work for a living, as well as sorrow and worry, caused the trouble to manifest itself very severely. Dizziness and spasmodic pain often kept me in bed; briefly, I went through dreadful suffering. My dear ones would often anxiously watch me, for the fear was held over us, as the result of a physician's statement, that complete paralysis might set in ultimately. This, of course, cast a shadow on all of us.

I then heard of Christian Science, and the first time I was able to attend a Wednesday evening meeting I heard a wonderful testimony given, and it became clear to me at once that I too might find healing. I listened intently to the elucidation of the teachings, and the reading of the Herold helped me much in gaining understanding. After a very short while the old trouble set in with renewed force. This time I knew that God is my life, that I need not fear anything, and I held fast to the truth which I had apprehended. I realized that the love of God is the only presence and power of the universe, and that we can never be separated from the fulness of joy that God bestows. When we remain steadfast and trust God unreservedly, the evil must disappear, be it worry, sorrow, or disease; it must yield to divine power.

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May 15, 1915

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