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During many years, proofs of the healing power of Christian Science...
During many years, proofs of the healing power of Christian Science have accumulated in my experience, and I know beyond all doubt that scientific right thinking is preventive and restorative.
The first healing resulted in the laying aside of glasses which I had worn steadily for three years. After three weeks' treatment I was able to use my eyes with much greater comfort than when depending upon glasses, and as I gained some understanding of Christian Science, my eyes steadily improved, giving me no further trouble. For a year previous to this time I had been unable to use them for either sewing or reading. This healing occurred over nine years ago, and has been permanent. Since then we have had many other proofs of the healing power of Christian Science. I am especially thankful for its results when applied to the needs of our children, who have been quickly cured of stomach disorder, fever, throat trouble, and other ills to which children seem subject. I am most grateful for being freed from the extreme fear which used to come to my husband and myself when the children were ill. Now, when need for help arises, we know through the many proofs in the past that the Love that heals is unfailing, and that one only needs to be faithful in realizing its presence. Any parent who has been tortured by such a fear, knows how great is my gratitude for this freedom; but even beyond this is my gratitude for a growing understanding of the Bible, especially of the meaning of Christ Jesus' teachings as explained in the text-book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."
These blessings, and many more, came to me wholly through the teachings of Mrs. Eddy, whose life was unselfish enough to become a channel for this great message to mankind.
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April 10, 1915 issue
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Man's Heritage
Love's Thorough Work
"Tear or triumph"
Strength and Humility
My comment has been requested on a letter from a Lutheran...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
A recent issue contains a statement to the effect that...
Frank C. Barrett
In your kindly reference to Christian Science, you make...
J. Elmo Robinson
In a recent issue there appears an article on spiritual...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Confirming the word"
Archibald McLellan
Truth's Activity
Annie M. Knott
Worship God
John B. Willis
Among the Churches
with contributions from John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from W. R. Givens, Mayor Zent
During many years, proofs of the healing power of Christian Science...
Harriet M. Kinney
It is now over seven years since I took up the study of...
Rosa M. Harley
It is a very pleasant duty to be able to testify herewith to...
Karl Bayer with contributions from John H. Cook
I have been deeply interested in Christian Science for the...
Emma H. Donnelly
With deep-felt thankfulness to God, I am glad to testify...
Betty S. U. Allan
From my experience in Christian Science I am realizing...
Sigmund K. Rothschild
I wish to express publicly my deep thankfulness to God...
Herbert M. Hunt
A few years ago I came to Christian Science for relief...
Helen P. Garrett
It is a joy to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Mary Philbrick Marble with contributions from George A. Philbrick, Whittier
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Claiborne M. Hill