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It is now some time since I became interested in Christian Science
It is now some time since I became interested in Christian Science. To mortal belief I suffered for ten years with heart trouble, the attacks being more frequent and severe during the last two years. Doctors could not help me in the least, and I was only too glad finally to try Christian Science, on the advice of a friend. I was suffering intensely when my husband called in a Christian Science practitioner; but I am thankful to say that in less than an hour I was relieved. Since that time I have had no attack, and I have quite dispensed with medical aid and drugs of all kinds. I am most grateful for the blessings received in Christian Science.
Minnie Wehlisch, Tonopah, Nev.
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April 10, 1915 issue
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Man's Heritage
Love's Thorough Work
"Tear or triumph"
Strength and Humility
My comment has been requested on a letter from a Lutheran...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
A recent issue contains a statement to the effect that...
Frank C. Barrett
In your kindly reference to Christian Science, you make...
J. Elmo Robinson
In a recent issue there appears an article on spiritual...
Charles W. J. Tennant
"Confirming the word"
Archibald McLellan
Truth's Activity
Annie M. Knott
Worship God
John B. Willis
Among the Churches
with contributions from John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from W. R. Givens, Mayor Zent
During many years, proofs of the healing power of Christian Science...
Harriet M. Kinney
It is now over seven years since I took up the study of...
Rosa M. Harley
It is a very pleasant duty to be able to testify herewith to...
Karl Bayer with contributions from John H. Cook
I have been deeply interested in Christian Science for the...
Emma H. Donnelly
With deep-felt thankfulness to God, I am glad to testify...
Betty S. U. Allan
From my experience in Christian Science I am realizing...
Sigmund K. Rothschild
I wish to express publicly my deep thankfulness to God...
Herbert M. Hunt
A few years ago I came to Christian Science for relief...
Helen P. Garrett
It is a joy to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Mary Philbrick Marble with contributions from George A. Philbrick, Whittier
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Claiborne M. Hill