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Equipped for Service
It is an inspiration to read how faithfully, yet how tenderly, our beloved Leader guided the early students of Christian Science. Unerringly she led them through the labyrinths of mortal ways and temptations. Following carefully the Master's methods, and speaking and acting always from the point of view gained through long, toilsome, yet joyous experience, she taught them lessons which they never forgot and which are fresh and vital for us today. She admonished them to adhere to the rules of Science, and never to forget the omnipotence of Truth; she praised them and encouraged them. She spoke to them of mighty victories yet to be won, urged them to be obedient and always ready for work, to press patiently on, to keep their lamps trimmed and burning, and to be careful not to seek light from matter instead of Spirit. She also taught them to work out their own problems and never to be disheartened, remembering that they were building for time and eternity. She warned them that materiality clogs progress, that spiritual truth is not limited, and that when all have one Mind and one Principle, then the forward path is clear.
No one can read these gentle outpourings of love and fidelity to the highest service without recognizing that Mrs. Eddy's vision was one of world-wide conquest for Truth, and that her work was freely to reveal to others what had been revealed to her, so that the seed of Truth might be sown in many hearts. The result she left to divine Love, never doubting what it would be. This is the faith that does not shrink; the faith that finds its perfect embodiment in Christ Jesus and that is also the precious heritage of all God's children.
The seed-time passed, and Mrs. Eddy began to remind students that the harvest-time had come. As they had been helped, so they must help; as they had been healed, so they must bring the healing truth to others,—and what a wondrous privilege this is! All along the line of divine revelation we see how the propagation of truth must follow its reception, otherwise the recipient becomes but a cumberer of the ground. Not faith alone or works alone, but faith and works: this is the scientific order, from which there can be no deviation. To know this is of supreme importance. The fructifying influences of Spirit are a necessary concomitant to healthy spiritual life. Growth, as we soon learn, comes from Mind; but there will be no growth unless the channels of love are kept freely flowing.
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March 6, 1915 issue
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Equipped for Service
The Beatitudes
Church Ushers
"There am I in the midst of them"
Vision Beautiful
The notion that a satisfying life can be gained by death...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Jesus said: "They shall put you out of the synagogues...
W. D. Kilpatrick
You inquire, "Is there on earth another legislative body...
Campbell MacCulloch
Christian Science explains the life and words and work of...
Duncan Sinclair
"Let us have grace"
Archibald McLellan
Waiting on the Lord
John B. Willis
The Voice of Truth
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Ralph J. Haughton , J. S. Braithwaite, David H. Larson, O. P. Workman, H. T. Lovett, Chester Budd
I give my testimony in grateful acknowledgment of the...
Margaret Luetge
As the mother of a large family, my heart goes out in love...
Kittie E. Howland
I want to acknowledge with heartfelt gratitude some of the...
Florence Newburn
I want to testify to the healing power of Christian Science
J. S. Baley with contributions from J. S. Baley
A few years ago I had a very beautiful proof of the power...
Nellie E. Mason with contributions from Frank H. Mason
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell