The president of the National Conservation Association has issued a statement on the Shields water-power bill recently reported to the Senate, in which he says: "The Shields bill for the granting of water-powers on navigable streams is the bill of the water-power monopolists.
simple story of the woman who came unbidden to the house of Simon the Pharisee, and her self-forgetful tribute to the Master as he "sat at meat" amid the luxurious surroundings of Simon's dwelling, brings the inspiration of love, humility, and gratitude.
looking over some old copies of the Journal, I came upon an article in which the writer emphasizes the need of an "uninfluenced majority" in our business meetings, and of protecting and trusting that majority as the avenue through which God's will may be made manifest.
sun is always shiningAnd the sky is always blue,For our vision of the beautifulIs one with what is true,As the prayer of understandingPierces through the clouds of sense,And our hearts sing at the knowledgeOf God's omnipotence.
The clerical critic who is quoted in a recent issue as disapproving of Christian Science, because in his opinion its appeal is only to the "educated class," might well be recommended to a fellow clergyman who in a neighboring Pennsylvania city a few weeks ago declared that persons of education could not be attracted to Christian Science.
You inquire, "Is there on earth another legislative body besides the United States Senate which would listen to, or pretend to listen to, and admit in full to its official minutes, a five-hour lecture on Christian Science?
Christian Science explains the life and words and work of Jesus the Christ, and shows how his teachings are as practicable today as when he walked the Galilean shore, healing the sick and the sinning.
However many of us may differ in our religious opinions, there is much food for thought in the excellent address on Christian Science given by Bicknell Young in the high school.
If it is hard for us, amid these little ills of life, to keep God's providence continually in view, and if we hesitate, in every struggle, to step out of the commonplaces of life into the presence of the Divine, then life ought to appear to us at least an art, if not a duty.
is sometimes made by members and others who attend the services in Christian Science churches, that not all who come to these services are as considerate of the rights of those within their immediate vicinity as they should be.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I ponder over the innumerable blessings which have come to me and my family since taking up the study of Christian Science.
For two or three years I wore glasses when setting type or reading, the difficulty seeming to be a structural defect of the eye; then in 1902 a Chicago oculist said I must wear them all the time.
As the mother of a large family, my heart goes out in love and gratitude to that good woman whom we are privileged to call our Leader, for all she has done for me and mine through her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
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