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I give my testimony in grateful acknowledgment of the...
I give my testimony in grateful acknowledgment of the many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science. I had suffered all my life from various ailments, and after many years of medical treatment without obtaining permanent relief, I turned as a last resort to Christian Science. I was healed within a short time of a supposedly chronic disorder of thirty years' standing by the faithful reading of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and the Lesson-Sermon. Numerous forms of error yielded as my understanding of the truth became clearer, until now I can truthfully say that all former discordant conditions have completely vanished and I am enjoying perfect health. Fear and ignorance were the two great obstacles to be overcome; constant fear of a recurrence of suffering, of which I had endured much and for which there seemed no relief, with ignorance of God's laws and of His infinite power and goodness.
God has indeed proved to be an ever-present help in times of trouble. Christian Science showed me the power of His protecting love and care when I was passing through what to a material concept would be a great sorrow. With the realization of the truth and the help of a faithful practitioner, I was enabled to meet with perfect calmness and assurance, and with an all-abiding faith in the Father's mercy, the loss of a dear one. This spiritual healing meant more to me than all else. It is my desire so to live each day that I may show "my faith by my works." My thankfulness goes out to God, and my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her courage in presenting to mankind the beneficent teachings of Christian Science.
Margaret Luetge, Pittsfield, Mass.
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March 6, 1915 issue
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Equipped for Service
The Beatitudes
Church Ushers
"There am I in the midst of them"
Vision Beautiful
The notion that a satisfying life can be gained by death...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Jesus said: "They shall put you out of the synagogues...
W. D. Kilpatrick
You inquire, "Is there on earth another legislative body...
Campbell MacCulloch
Christian Science explains the life and words and work of...
Duncan Sinclair
"Let us have grace"
Archibald McLellan
Waiting on the Lord
John B. Willis
The Voice of Truth
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Ralph J. Haughton , J. S. Braithwaite, David H. Larson, O. P. Workman, H. T. Lovett, Chester Budd
I give my testimony in grateful acknowledgment of the...
Margaret Luetge
As the mother of a large family, my heart goes out in love...
Kittie E. Howland
I want to acknowledge with heartfelt gratitude some of the...
Florence Newburn
I want to testify to the healing power of Christian Science
J. S. Baley with contributions from J. S. Baley
A few years ago I had a very beautiful proof of the power...
Nellie E. Mason with contributions from Frank H. Mason
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell