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Sense of Hindrance Overcome
In working to know the powerlessness of evil, we are sometimes led to believe that we are hindered in our work by some one who has not yet learned the importance of holding "thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true" (Science and Health, p. 261), and who constantly voices error. To learn how a mother overcame such a sense of hindrance may be helpful to some one else. This mother had been having a practitioner's help for her small son, but felt that the work was greatly hindered by a relative who was a member of the household, and who constantly gave out foreboding and pessimistic opinions of the situation. That this constant repetition of error constituted a real impediment to the restoration of harmony, bore heavily on the mother's thought, until the following experience came to her.
While up-stairs with the child, the mother heard a neighbor come in and ask about the child. She also heard the relative's answer, which was, as usual, apprehensive in the extreme. For a moment a sense of great discouragement came to the mother, but over and above this was a reaching out to divine Love for help, for light upon the situation, and instantly this line of reasoning came to her: The thought which my relative is repeating to the neighbor is not, as I know, the truth about the child, whose real being is spiritual and harmonious. Now a thought which is not the truth is not a reality,—is nothing, no-thing,—and bears the same relation to truth that the symbol naught bears to the science of mathematics. One times naught, is, of course, nothing; a hundred or a million times naught is still nothing. The mere repetition or multiplication of the naught does not thereby add to its value or give it any power.
The mother then saw that the statement of discord made about her child, not being the truth, was naught, and the mere repetition or multiplication of the naught (i.e., valueless statement) could not thereby give it value or give it one particle of power; that she need not therefore fear its repetition, nor should she try to give it value in her thought by allowing that she feared it, or by believing that it carried significance or weight. With the realization of the truth of this reasoning, which was based upon Principle, the sense of hindrance fell away from her thought, and the child's release from the discordant conditions followed quickly.
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January 16, 1915 issue
View Issue-
Proving All Things
The Father's House
Christian Unity
Sense of Hindrance Overcome
Honor to Whom Honor is Due
"Thou art ever-present"*
In the beginning of the Christian movement there was one...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
In his endeavor in a recent sermon to harmonize the practice...
Willis D. McKinstry
The Oregonian in a recent issue contained statements by...
Paul Stark Seeley
In a recent issue appears a report of a local meeting...
William D. Kilpatrick
Things Substantial
"Conformed to the doctrines"
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Life
Annie M. Knott
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Jenny W. Forsyth, Oliver Marble Gale, L. P. Davison, F. C. Moys, Edward C. Kennedy
Several years ago, in despair, I turned to Christian Science...
Minnie C. Aplin with contributions from C. Clarke Aplin
While confined in a hospital for the insane as a direct...
Eldridge G. Norton
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for physical...
Clara Virginia Leonard
It is with thanksgiving and rejoicing that I give this testimony...
Arvid C. Skoog with contributions from M. Sophia Skoog, H. M. Truman
I gratefully acknowledge the many benefits which I have...
Alfred G. Hoffmann
I am very grateful for Christian Science
Susette Kuhn
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell