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The Lectures
Clarence W. Chadwick delivered a lecture on Christian Science Friday evening [Jan. 1] in The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. The first reader, H. Cornell Wilson, introduced Mr. Chadwick and said:—
Among those who early came into possession of Mrs. Eddy's first published work on Christian Science was Amos Bronson Alcott, one of that renowned coterie of Massachusetts men who constituted the Concord School of Philosophy. In a letter to Mrs. Eddy expressing his appreciation of her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," this sage thinker wrote: "The profound truths which you announce, sustained by facts of the immortal life, give to your work the seal of inspiration,—reaffirm in modern phrase the Christian revelations. In times like these, so sunk in sensualism, I hail with joy your voice, speaking an assured word for God and immortality, and my joy is heightened that these words are of woman's divinings."
This gracious recognition of the work of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, vouchsafed in the very early stages of her leadership, has been amply justified in the little more than a generation that has intervened. So rapidly has human thought been moving that even now the inspiration of Mrs. Eddy's spiritual service to mankind is felt and acknowledged the world over. There is an ever increasing multitude that is giving testimony in favor of Christian Science, testimony which clearly is all to the effect that sin and sickness of every nature has yielded completely to the application of this Science. Nor does the world generally yet know the half that Christian Science is doing to annihilate sin and prevent disease. Slight wonder, then, at the manifest interest in Christian Science which is evidenced by the large audience here present tonight.
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January 16, 1915 issue
View Issue-
Proving All Things
The Father's House
Christian Unity
Sense of Hindrance Overcome
Honor to Whom Honor is Due
"Thou art ever-present"*
In the beginning of the Christian movement there was one...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
In his endeavor in a recent sermon to harmonize the practice...
Willis D. McKinstry
The Oregonian in a recent issue contained statements by...
Paul Stark Seeley
In a recent issue appears a report of a local meeting...
William D. Kilpatrick
Things Substantial
"Conformed to the doctrines"
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Life
Annie M. Knott
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from H. Cornell Wilson, Jenny W. Forsyth, Oliver Marble Gale, L. P. Davison, F. C. Moys, Edward C. Kennedy
Several years ago, in despair, I turned to Christian Science...
Minnie C. Aplin with contributions from C. Clarke Aplin
While confined in a hospital for the insane as a direct...
Eldridge G. Norton
I did not take up the study of Christian Science for physical...
Clara Virginia Leonard
It is with thanksgiving and rejoicing that I give this testimony...
Arvid C. Skoog with contributions from M. Sophia Skoog, H. M. Truman
I gratefully acknowledge the many benefits which I have...
Alfred G. Hoffmann
I am very grateful for Christian Science
Susette Kuhn
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell