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In a recent issue, under the caption "How to Keep Well,"...
The Gazette
In a recent issue, under the caption "How to Keep Well," by Dr. —, advice was given that "ill-balanced, self-centered, morbid people" needed mental therapeutics, and that they could get it from studying "Key to the Scriptures." Beyond doubt this is a reference to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the text-book of Christian Science.
The inference that Christian Science is of value to "illbalanced, self-centered, morbid people," is a reference which might be interpreted in several ways. If the medical critic who wrote the article for The Gazette is really sincere in the expression that Christian Science is of assistance to people of unbalanced minds, he is conceding more than materia medica has been inclined to grant in the past. On the other hand, if his statement is intended to convey the inference that Christian Science is available only for nervous and mental difficulties and for people on the verge of insanity, he is very much mistaken. Christian Science has proved its healing value, not only in nervous and mental difficulties, but for all functional and organic diseases. In fact, there is practically no disease known to the medical profession which has not been healed through the prayers of Christian Scientists.
The medical critic is further in error when he infers that Christian Science is a species of "mental therapeutics." Mental therapeutics is usually defined as the action of hypnotism or mental suggestion. In other words, it is one human mind acting upon another through will-power. With this process Christian Science has absolutely nothing in common. Christian Science recognizes God as the divine Mind, and through knowing and understanding this Mind the healing is accomplished. This was the manner in which Jesus healed. He ever reflected the infinite Mind, and presented an exact, scientific understanding of God. The apostle Paul referred to this spiritual healing and scientific unity with God when he said, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
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December 26, 1914 issue
View Issue-
Resolve and Action
Beauty and Truth
Healing of Lack
Profiting by Opportunity
Spiritual Vision
The Ego God
The sermon delivered by an evangelist at Greencastle, as...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
There has recently come to my notice a pamphlet which...
John L. Rendall
In a recent issue, under the caption "How to Keep Well,"...
Ezra W. Palmer
The Argonaut contains an article on the "Go-to-Church Movement,"...
Thomas F. Watson
The Sower
"Ye shall know the truth"
Archibald McLellan
Evil's Unreality
John B. Willis
Healing and Gratitude
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from R. S. Fairchild, W. Taylor Stone, Elmer Grey, Norman T. Davy, Don E. Gilman
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I tell of some of...
Lizzie E. Smith with contributions from Kate A. Molloy
A few years ago my wife was very ill, and after having...
Rudolph Richter with contributions from Rudolph Richter
Beset on all sides with the doubts and fears of mortal...
Ingeborg Christensen
Words cannot express my thankfulness to God, and my...
Ella Castetter
I am so grateful for what Christian Science has done for...
Katherine Grandjean
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from W. Harvey-Jellie, W. E. Orchard