As one goes through the streets of any of the older American cities at this period, he cannot help noticing the work which is being done in the removal of certain buildings to make way for other and presumably better structures. One may at times be tempted to regard this process as wasteful, if not needless, in view of the fact that many of the buildings which are being removed would doubtless last for years if undisturbed; but the spirit of the age calls not only for progress but for rapid progress. Not so long ago, we often heard such a remark as this: "Yes, that would be a good thing, but it will not be accomplished in your day or mine." There are, however, few who would venture such a statement today, as it is not in accord with the facts of present experience. Right here it may be remarked that the slow progress of the past was largely due to unwillingness to give up the old, on the ground that it had some good in it, and ought therefore to last a while longer.

Now one of the first lessons which we learn in Christian Science is to be willing to give up as fast as possible aught that is imperfect, even where this involves the tearing down of thought-structures which seem to be solid and enduring and whose foundations were laid far back in human history. Thus do we find the entire superstructure of the social fabric based upon the belief that man is both material and spiritual, the material element largely predominating so far as this world is concerned at least, with a rather uncertain hope that in an unknown future man will become a spiritual being. On this unreal foundation mortals proceed to build theories of religion and medicine, of education and governmental polity, in brief, of life itself, the inevitable result being, to use the words of Christ Jesus, "distress of nations, with perplexity; ... men's hearts failing them for fear;" and these words describe the condition of individuals as well as of nations until the enlightening truth shows the only way of escape.

In Science and Health we read that "the supremacy of Spirit was the foundation on which Jesus built" (p. 138). This statement recalls the Master's own words respecting the temple at Jerusalem when his disciples pointed with pride to its rare and costly adornments. He said, "As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another," a prophecy which dealt mainly with the religion symbolized by that temple—any religion, indeed, which would lead men to approach God by material means rather than "in spirit and in truth;" and how radical is the reformation which he indicates! Paul counsels us against attempting to build upon Truth's foundation the "wood, hay, stubble" of materiality. Even in such case he admits that the true foundation will stand the test by fire, and that the one who builds, "he himself,"—his true individuality,—will be saved; but at what cost to the human sense which must experience the loss of all that is not of God, hence not spiritual!

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September 28, 1912

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