[Translated from the German.]

I was brought up under the materialistic teachings of natural...

I was brought up under the materialistic teachings of natural science, and had been drawn into a busy life thereby; yet in spite of the success which at times seemed to attend my endeavors, I seldom experienced that sense of satisfaction without which my life seemed, as it were, to be lacking in true value. But a significant change took place within my consciousness. While associating with people who claimed to master disease and to a large extent to govern life through the utilization of their chemical discoveries, I experienced a growing sense of voidness and sought refuge in the Bible. In reading it I saw that thousands of years ago the great heroes of the faith had gone through all the bitter experiences which life had brought me, and had overcome them, and I began to understand the meaning of the Scriptural saying which is read in our churches every Sunday: "The peace of God, which passeth all understanding," but which has become alien to the proud structure of modern natural science and to its representatives.

At that time my wife had found her way to Christian Science, the occasion being the severe illness of her parents. My attitude toward Christian Science was at first one of indifference, and I felt disinclined to leave the platform on which I had been reared. It was a very strong call which made me investigate Christian Science more closely. A brother of my wife urged me to take her to a sanitarium, in view of the fact that she favored the teachings of Christian Science. This was sufficient reason for me to give the subject a thorough investigation. Ample opportunity was afforded me for this purpose—a thing which I neither would have wished for nor been able to have done under ordinary circumstances on account of my profession. As it was, that part had been provided for by divine wisdom, in that I was led—no special professional duty calling—among a large body of Christian Science people in Berlin.

The study of the text-book, Science and Health, was laborious at first, until I was able to understand and sympathize with the high spiritual and moral standpoint of the author; and often while at work there came to my thought the words of a German hymn which bids us be still and rejoice inwardly, letting God decide according to His infinite mercy and wisdom. This act of rejoicing, this intense joy in comprehending the possibilities of divine grace and goodness, and the consciousness of their actuality by reason of the divine omnipotence, omnipresence, and love, was the precious reward during the hours which I devoted to the study of the enlightened author's wonderful book. With one accord my wife and children joined me on my way toward the recognition of these truths, in attending the services and meetings with me.

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Testimony of Healing
I have long wished to express my gratitude for what...
April 20, 1912

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