The contest over probably the richest coal lands in the world was transferred to the supreme court of the United Sates when the government docketed an appeal from the order of the federal court of Washington quashing the so-called "Stracey group" indictment.
writer is so indebted to little children for the helpful lessons they daily teach him, that he loves to tell of his experiences in which they play the leading part.
A correct
knowledge and right understanding of Christian Science shows that it fortifies one against the wiles of the evil one,—forestalls or prevents troubles, such as protracted illness, vexing business problems, fits of anger, etc.
of the would-be arguments frequently used against the practice of Christian Science is the statement that "adults have the right, if they choose, to employ Christian Science treatments; but to force children to submit to the practice is inhuman, and should be prevented by law.
Notwithstanding the comprehensive legislation of the past few years for the regulating of the practice of medicine and surgery in this state, every session of the General Assembly brings a new crop of bills.
It is the tendency of men, however sincere, to exalt the importance of their own calling and to be unconsciously influenced by the pursuits and activities and studies and tastes of their own lives.
On that winter's day on which Christ Jesus made his historic declaration to the Jews, as he walked in Solomon's porch, "I and the Father [not 'my Father'] are one".
Far from being founded upon "the principle of ignoring" disease, the whole aim of Christian Science teaching is so to instruct the mortal that he may learn to recognize the first approach of sick and evil thoughts, and so bar his consciousness against their admission.
Musicians do not master harmony from the study of discord; artists do not learn of symmetry by the study of deformity, and bankers do not learn good money by studying counterfeits; but harmony, symmetry, and good money are recognized as real and true, while discords, deformities, and counterfeits are abnormal, wrong, and erroneous.
A few
days ago one of the workers at headquarters in Boston received a letter from a friend which propounded a question pertaining to the conducting of the services in branch churches.
fourth chapter of John's Gospel contains a remarkably full account of an incident in Jesus' ministry which deals with the vital facts of religious experience in a way that cannot be ignored or forgotten by the thoughtful reader.
keynote of that royal fourth chapter of Paul's letter to the Ephesians is found in the word "unity,"—unity in the thought of God, in the knowledge of His Son, in the faith that relies wholly upon Truth, in the love that blossoms in brotherhood, in the purity that is blameless, in the humility that is childlike, in the manly living that is tender-hearted and compassionate,—such is the compass of a concept whose circle is so complete that though the rest of "the world's best book" were lost, this epitome of right thought and deed would supply the aspiring and obedient with everything essential to their triumph.
Some four years ago my attention was drawn to Christian Science by a dear friend, but I declined her invitation to attend a service, as we were just then going on a journey.
About four yeas ago I submitted to a serious operation, and in June, 1909, had another severe one, following which I did not gain strength as I should.
It is over three years since I came to understand anything of Christian Science, and in that time I have had many demonstrations, both for myself and family, two of which I wish to speak about particularly.
I feel ashamed that I have so long neglected to express my gratitude to God for the understanding of Christian Science which through our Leader has been given to mankind and has proven to all who seek "in spirit and in truth" that God is a present help in time of trouble.
While I always enjoy the testimonies in our periodicals, I have been careless about contributing my own experience for the benefit of others; but in talking recently with a friend I related the following case of healing, which occurred in my own home, and she advised me to write it for the Sentinel, thus letting others know of the healing power of Truth.
Perry H. Owen
with contributions from Alfred Knittle
The testimonies given in the Sentinel are so encouraging and helpful to me that I wish to give mine, hoping that some one may be glad to know how quickly and perfectly God answers the prayer of understanding.
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