persons, when they attend a Christian Science testimony meeting for the first time, are startled on hearing some one say, "I was healed by reading Science and Health.
phase of the Christian Science movement causes greater surprise to the onlooker than the way in which funds are forthcoming for the building of church edifices and other expenses connected with the work, as from the standpoint of ordinary experience it seems very remarkable.
I thank
Thee that Love's kingdom is at hand;Yea, that all good is here, O Truth divine;That health and peace are now at my command;And that the Father's riches, too, are mine.
[While the supply from which the excerpts from editorial comments that have been published on these pages during the past ten weeks is by no means depleted, it seems unnecessary to continue them longer, as enough has been given to show how wide-spread and generous has been the tribute accorded to Mrs.
Whatever may be the individual opinions respecting that which Mary Baker Eddy professed, the fact stands out beyond the boundaries of dispute that she gave the world a confession of faith that has brought wondrous peace and happiness to mankind.
It is estimated that in the United States there are one million people who uphold the Christian Science creed—a creed that was first promulgated by Mrs.
is a sense in which it would be a mark of the highest presumption for any one to say that he apprehends and can explain the operations of Spirit; nevertheless, Jesus' teaching unquestionably warrants the conviction that we may know "the deep things of God.
Located on the corner of Fairview and High streets and opposite the end of Union street, the new Christian Science church will hold a conspicuous place among the public buildings of Winsted.
I have long wanted to tell of my great debt of gratitude to Christian Science, but the blessings have come so fast in the last few years that I did not know which to relate.
I would like to express my gratitude for Christian Science and my love for the one who through such consecration and self-sacrificing toil has given to a suffering world this perfect Science, through which may be gained the knowledge of Him "who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.
On going into the local Christian Science rooms, my eyes rested on these words of Christ Jesus, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
I can see how one who has never been brought under the direct influence of Christian Science, and whose only information regarding its teachings has been gained from those who know no more about it than himself, might not be very favorably impressed by these views; but how any one who has had an opportunity to see the work that is being accomplished in the line of healing and regeneration through Christian Science, can go on his way without stopping at least to investigate, is hard for me to understand.
A number of years ago, through the healing of my mother from a very painful disease with which she had suffered many years, I began to read and study Science and Health, and to attend, whenever possible, the Christian Science services.
the seeing of the mortal eyeAre pastures green and waters still,Where all, in glad obedience to their Father's will,Now calmly walk, and safely down do lie.
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