Ex-President Roosevelt, on his speaking tour through the West, has declared himself in favor of these doctrines: Elimination of special interests from politics; complete and effective publicity of corporation affairs; passage of laws prohibiting the use of corporate funds directly or indirectly for political purposes; government supervision of the capitalization not only of public service corporations, but of all corporations, but of all corporations doing an interstate business; personal responsibility of officers and directors of corporations that break the law; increased power of the federal bureau of corporations and the interstate commerce commission to control industry more effectively; revision of the tariff, one schedule at a time, on the basis of information furnished by an expert tariff commission; graduated income tax and graduated inheritance tax; readjustment of the country's financial system in such a way as to prevent repetition of periodical financial panics; maintenance of an efficient army and a navy large enough to insure the respect of other nations as a guarantee of peace; use of national resources for the benefit of all the people; extension of the work of the departments of agriculture, of the national and state governments, and of agricultural colleges and experiment stations, so as to take in all phases of life on the farm; regulation of the terms and conditions of labor, by means of comprehensive workmen's compensation acts, state and national laws to regulate child labor and the work of women, enforcement of better sanitation conditions for workers, and extension of the use of safety appliances in industry and commerce, both in and between the states; clear division of authority between the national and the various state governments; direct primaries, associated with corrupt practices acts; publicity of campaign contributions not only after, but before election; prompt removal of unfaithful and incompetent public servants; provisions against the performance of any service for interstate corporations or the reception of any compensation from such corporations by national officers.
Christian Scientists
have for their instruction the Scriptures, the writings of Mrs.
To me, one of the most attractive features in the teaching of Christian Science is that, while it upholds individual liberty, it inculcates respect for others' rights and maintains most emphatically that we mind our own business.
"Since I
have learned that 'man is not material'.
beautiful Sabbath morning I found myself fairly well started on my eleventh reading of Science and Health.
is sometimes said by those who have only a slight knowledge of our Leader's teachings, that Mrs.