Secretary of the Interior Ballinger has restored to the public domain one hundred and fifty thousand acres of the land which was temporarily withdrawn in 1908 and 1909 for the purpose of creating the Alabama national forest.
of Christian Science who may be tempted to complain of the barrenness of their experience, will find a most effective rebuke of their meager receptivity, and an unfailing recipe for the increase of their sense of good, on page 3 of Science and Health, where Mrs.
up from study one morning, attention was attracted to a bright spot of light on the darker side of the room under a heavy chair, where the color of the carpet was intensified into a brilliant red.
movements owe their success to argument based along the common material lines of reasoning, but it has been otherwise with the advance of Christian Science.
It is undoubtedly true that a number of actors and actresses have become students of Christian Science, because they have been enabled by its teachings to rise above many of the difficulties which they have to encounter in their profession.
With respect to the discussion on faith-healing, reported in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal, and referred to in a late issue, will you permit me to point out that, with all due respect to the writers in question, there is a distinct absence of logic in their views.
A critic says that "if that book [Rudimental Divine Science], and Science and Health, were offered to any church, they would be rejected on the ground that they were unscriptural.
Christian Science has no connection with the methods of those who practise faith-healing, with which, however, Christian Scientists have no wish to interfere.
I hereby
announce to the Christian Science field that all inquiries or information relating to Christian Science practice, to publication committee work, reading-room work, or to Mother Church membership, should be sent to the Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother Church; and I have requested my secretaries not to make inquiries on these subjects, nor to reply to any received, but to leave these duties to the Clerk of The Mother Church, to whom they belong.
often hear people say that they believe implicitly in the Bible, but when we attempt to reconcile their actions with this statement, we find that the point of view of the individual enters largely into the matter, and that their belief in the Bible is simply a belief in their own interpretation of the Scriptures.
is undoubtedly regarded by many as a rather negative sort of a virtue, though such an opinion has no support in human experience or in the teachings of the Bible.
belief makes its most confident assertion in the statement that at its best life must speedily yield to death; that "it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
It is now over three years since I learned of Christian Science, and it has made me the happiest, healthiest, and I believe one of the most contented men on earth.
Like many others, I have been helped so many times by Christian Science that I would like to give my testimony for the Sentinel, in the hope that it may lead some one into health and happiness as I have been led.
Six years ago I went through an operation which I was in hopes would make a strong woman of me, but as time went on I found that I was just as great a sufferer as before entering the hospital.
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