Jesus came down into the valley of human experience, after that wonderful spiritual exaltation and illumination described by the apostles as his transfiguration, he found some of his disciples surrounded by a great multitude, in a tumult which was occasioned through the failure of the disciples to heal an epileptic boy, who had been brought to them by his father.
is safe to assume that whatever differences there may be in the states and stages of growth among Christian Scientists, they are united in their love for the Cause, in their desire for its prosperity, and in unswerving loyalty to its wise and beloved Leader.
writer has found it helpful to realize the analogy which exists between the light of the moon shining on a dark night and the light of Love as presented to the students of Christian Science, turning them from the contemplation of a seemingly dark and sin-smitten world.
wonderful illumination which Christian Science gives to our study of the Bible was recently brought home very forcibly to the writer when reading the 58th chapter of Isaiah.
The Society is prepared to furnish leaflets of the Lincoln Day Lesson at the following prices, postage prepaid: 10 copies, 25 cents; 25 copies, 40 cents; 50 copies, 65 cents; 100 copies, $1.
Humanity loves liberty, rejoices in religious freedom, nourishes the enlightenment which best promotes health and happiness, and cherishes the hope that some day universal harmony will reign supreme among men.
It is a curious exercise to look back through the years and see how many great minds have agreed that the golden age is only the Christmas spirit carried into all the months.
Only in the spirit of a little child should one seek the Christmas meaning—a meaning so simple that even the child may understand, and yet so profound that neither height nor depth nor length nor breadth can compass it.
The nominal object of our critic's address was to explain to his listeners how best to oppose Christian Science, and the curious part of the matter is that he omitted all mention of the only method by which Christian Science could possibly be successfully opposed.
Our medical friend seems to have some difficulty in understanding Christian Science because of a failure to appreciate the fact that it is a religion and that the healing which it is accomplishing is incidental to and a natural result of an endeavor to live in accord with God's law as taught and practised by Jesus.
I want the books that help me out of the vacancy and despair of a frivolous mind, out of the tangle and confusion of a society that is buried in bric-a-brac, out of the meanness of unfeeling mockery and the heaviness of incessant mirth, into a loftier and serener region, where, through the clear air of serious thoughts, I can learn to look soberly and bravely upon the mingled misery and splendor of human existence, and then go down with a cheerful courage to play a man's part in the life which Christ has forever ennobled by his divine presence.
the Board of Directors and the Clerk of The Mother Church have received a number of letters of inquiry in regard to the matter of democratic government in branch churches, and more particularly asking whether the recent utterances of our Leader, the changes in the by-laws, and the articles on this subject which have appeared in the Sentinel from time to time were not intended for the correction of erroneous conditions in one particular field.
third commandment reads: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
with contributions from J. S. Braithwaite, Mary Baker Eddy, Verna M. Raynor, Katherine L. Viall, Sarah C. Linscott, Louis N. Bennett, Harriet C. Stanley, Rosa W. Hillis, Molly T. Allured, Alice M. Martineau, Blanche E. Lester, John Whitten, B. R. Deming, Marcia Craft
In gratitude for the many blessings which Christian Science has brought to me, and with the hope that it may meet the need of some seeker after Truth, I send this testimony.
Is it any wonder that Christian Scientists think the physical healing the least part of their religion, when through the reading and understanding of Science and Health by Mrs.
For several years I suffered from a severe pain in my side, the attacks becoming more painful and frequent as time went on, until I was obliged to take to my bed, from which I could not even lift a foot without great suffering.
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with contributions from J. S. Braithwaite, Mary Baker Eddy, Verna M. Raynor, Katherine L. Viall, Sarah C. Linscott, Louis N. Bennett, Harriet C. Stanley, Rosa W. Hillis, Molly T. Allured, Alice M. Martineau, Blanche E. Lester, John Whitten, B. R. Deming, Marcia Craft