Two and a half years ago I was operated upon for an...

Two and a half years ago I was operated upon for an internal growth. Before the operation I had been treated by Christian Science, but the physician had said that if the operation were not performed I would probably die, so fear took possession of me and I submitted to the knife. In July, 1908, I felt the same symptoms returning. In October I came East to place my daughter in school, and on the first of November put myself under the care of a Christian Science practitioner in New York city. At the beginning of the third week I felt, during the treatment, the queerest sensation, as if something was being snatched from me; such a stir within that I felt as though I must ask the practitioner to stop the treatment. In less than half an hour after leaving the office, the growth passed away. At first I was seized with fear, then I realized the truth of Paul's declaration, that "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

I give this testimony in appreciation of the blessings received, and to express my gratitude to the one chosen to give this wonderful truth to the world, dear Mrs. Eddy. By following her teaching we learn that love "rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth."

Mrs. Jennie Hasbrouck, Seattle, Wash.

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Testimony of Healing
I am very thankful to God for all that I have learned...
December 18, 1909

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