speaking of one of his most lovable and admirable characters, says, "No man could admit his own faults with more engaging candor than our friend.
acquiring an understanding of Christian Science, it may be first approached as a purely intellectual proposition,—much like knowledge respecting other things.
has been said that Christian Science cannot be studied and comprehended intellectually, as can mathematics or a physical science, and it is true that this great subject, the Science of being, can be apprehended and understood only through humility, honesty of purpose, purity of thought, and a deep desire to know God better,—a requirement which has been expressed by one thus: "What we need is not so much the educated head as the educated heart.
of us who are enjoying the rich blessings which attend the knowing of God aright, find much cause for encouragement in looking back over the years before we had found Truth, and comparing our ambitions then with those of the present.
with Thee, O God! O Love divine, so tender, true, and sweet, What, but for Thee, would be my pangs this night! Pangs of regret for that dead past To which we mortals ever cling, Except when, lifted high by truth's fair wing, Soaring amid the ether blue of heaven's own vault, We see the radiant beyond; And know no more the buried past, But to that past our earthly hopes and sorrows fling— Fling as a garment that is worn too long And waxen old and tattered grown.
It is not an extravagant assumption that those who are daily and hourly practising a definite teaching are probably quite as good judges of what that teaching is as those who are not.
Christ Jesus was the great demonstrator of the ever-present availability of God for the full salvation of mortals from sin, disease, and even from death, "the last enemy that shall be destroyed.
In your report of a sermon delivered last Sunday morning [April 26], the minister brings out the statement that "in spite of the claims of Christian Scientists that all forms of physical suffering are amenable to the will of the individual," people still die.
In a recent issue of The Free Press a clergyman expressed grave misapprehension of the teaching of Christian Science on the subject of healing, and I ask an opportunity to clear up some points at issue.
Christian Scientists emulate the Master and obey his commandments, but our critic unreasonably demands of Christian Scientists the very ultimate in point of demonstration, without even stopping to take into consideration present approximations thereto.
One of the tenets of the Christian Science Church is as follows: "And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure".
who come into Christian Science discover in a short time that its teachings not only may be but must be applied to every problem of our human experience, if we would make real progress.
With an overflowing sense of love and gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, I send my testimony, trusting that it will be the means of bringing to many such health and happiness as I have experienced.
For about seven years I have read the Christian Science periodicals, and have received the great blessing of renewed hope, joy, and faith, from the articles and testimonies.
A desire to have more of my friends and old acquaintances know what Christian Science has done for me and mine, prompts the giving of this testimony to the marvelous healing power of the truth, when scientifically applied through the Science of Christianity.
My father was a physician, and from early childhood I was trained up in strict accordance with the asserted laws of physiology and hygiene, so that for nearly forty years of my life I considered them almost sacred.
To me Christian Science is all there is,—I have proofs of it every day,—and it seems time to tell the readers of the Sentinel a little of what I have received.
Our little girl of four years was healed of a fever in its worst form through the understanding that came to us by reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
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