As I am but a beginner in Christian Science, and the only...

As I am but a beginner in Christian Science, and the only one in a town of six thousand inhabitants. I find the articles and testimonies in the Sentinel of very great benefit in clearing up points which seem to puzzle me in working out the great problems of Mind-Science. Gratitude prompts me to send this little experience, in the hope that it may help some other beginner in a similar condition. Last February I left my purse hanging near the mirror in the ladies' room at the depot of a large city. About an hour after ward—having taken a train for another city—the conductor came for the tickets and I discovered my loss. At first I was almost panic-stricken, for my purse not only contained my railway tickets, but the monthly allowance for myself and two children, and the only income we had just then. At first I asked the conductor to stop the train, so that I could go back and get it. Then I realized how long this would take, as we were about three miles out from the city, and cast about in my mind for some other method.

I thought of a telegram, as being much quicker, and while trying to write one out, and scarcely able to see the words for tears which would come, a gentleman came to me and said, "Pardon me, but if you will give me your name and address I will telephone from the next station, which will be much quicker than a telegram." He then showed me his card and I saw that he was an official of the road. I gave him the telegram I had written and tried to thank him. His act of kindness turned my thought to God, the ever-present good, and I suddenly realized that if God is omnipresent and omnipotent He must be both here and there, and quicker than the telegram or the telephone is His help. A lady traveling with me said, "There is just one chance in a thousand that you will get your purse." but I remembered that "Soul hath infinite resources wherewith to bless mankind" (Science and Health, p. 60). and that it was possible for God to protect me and mine. I left it in His hands and finished my journey in peace. On coming downstairs the next morning, the first words I heard were, "Your purse came in on this morning's train; it was found, sealed, and sent by express at the railroad company's expense, by some employe of the road."

Since then my slight understanding of Science has enabled me to overcome many physical ailments, and to work out the problems I meet in social and business relations. New ideas have come to me, which when acted upon have helped me to demonstrate plenty instead of lack in a financial way. While I am only a beginner in the study of this Science of God and His laws, and have many problems to solve, I know the Science to be exact, and I am very grateful to God. and to the brave and loving woman who has opened up a path by which we may climb to heaven—harmony.—

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Testimony of Healing
With gratitude I testify to the power of Truth as revealed...
June 20, 1908

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