I wish to utilize a portion of Thanksgiving day in...

I wish to utilize a portion of Thanksgiving day in describing my healing through the blessed promises of Christ Jesus, as illuminated for us by our revered Leader's untiring devotion to Truth. In childhood I suffered constantly with a supposedly inherited disease. In youth I suffered nearly eight years with running sores, and in after years I was continually troubled with an aggravated skin disease, which the doctors said was caused by the inherited trouble. This became so bad that it affected my eyelids, and a growth started which the doctors called malignant, and several of them said it would kill me in from six to twenty-four months. This was a little over a year ago. I had also been an almost constant sufferer from stomach and other troubles for over fifteen years.

About Sept. 1, 1905, I became so bad that in sheer desperation my wife and I decided that I should try Christian Science. I did so, and the stomach trouble was healed with the first treatment. For years I had not been able to eat supper without suffering greatly all night, but within six hours after taking my first treatment in Christian Science I ate a hearty supper and then enjoyed the best night's rest I had had in several months, sleeping as peacefully as a healthy child. My wife and I at once began the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and in a short time she was greatly relieved of an old chronic ailment, while my other ailments were gone and a violent temper was fast being subdued. The abnormal growth, however, continued to enlarge, until one Wednesday evening the following February, when the reading of an article which had appeared in the Journal of June, 1893, opened my eyes to some of the errors that were holding me back from the full light of Truth. Within five minutes after this reading I involuntarily rubbed my afflicted eye, and to my astonishment and unspeakable joy the entire growth came out by the roots, and almost immediately the space closed up, leaving only a small red mark, which entirely disappeared the next day, leaving my eyelid in a smooth, healthy condition.

Upon this Thanksgiving day, instead of being in my grave or nearly ready for it, as materia medica would have had me, I find myself in an almost perfect state of health, having been healed in one short year of several diseases, besides profanity and a violent temper. Is it, therefore, any wonder that my heart is full to overflowing with praise to divine Love, and with the determination that my life henceforth shall be such as to prove my gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader for the truth which has been revealed to us.

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Testimony of Healing
Gratitude impels me to add my testimony to those of...
June 15, 1907

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