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Our critic admits the truth of the proposition that darkness...
Boston Times
Our critic admits the truth of the proposition that darkness is simply the absence of light, and that when the light appears the darkness disappears, but he declares that "this is not true of the relation between good and evil in our personality." If this is not true, will the gentleman kindly explain where the evil which is driven out of the man takes up its abode? Is it bottled up somewhere? Is it skulking behind the trees? Where is it? If he ceases from all wrong, and every other individual on earth ceases from all wrong, what becomes of the wrong? It has no existence except in human indulgence, and it dies instantly when it finds no indulgence. Is it possible to make nothing out of something? The fact is, evil is unreal to begin with, and it ceases its apparent existence the moment mortals awaken to the truth and thereby cease from error.
In his insistence upon the reality of evil, that it is "positive force," our critic places himself in an inextricable dilemma, for he must either admit that God made it or that there is another creator. If he seizes the first horn of the dilemma he immediately conflicts with the Scriptural teaching, "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." If he seizes the second horn of the dilemma, he goes contrary to the Scriptural teaching, "All things were made by him [the Word of God]; and without him was not any thing made that was made."
Moreover, the proposition that evil is unreal is quite as demonstrable as the proposition that good is real. If a room is filled with darkness one may admit the light and dispel the darkness, but if the room is filled with light one cannot admit the darkness and dispel the light. One may overcome evil with good, but one can never overcome good with evil, for the declaration in the following lines is true:
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August 25, 1906 issue
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An Appreciative Letter
Arthur P. DeCamp
What is Truth?
Prof. Joel Rufus Mosley.
Spiritual Discernment
The Thrall of Deception
From Mrs. Eddy's Friends
Rachel F. Marshall
Our critic admits the truth of the proposition that darkness...
Alfred Farlow with contributions from C. Herbert Pierson
with contributions from William B. Johnson
At Last
The True Basis of Health
John B. Willis
The Divine Fatherhood
Annie M. Knott
Letters to Our Leader
with contributions from Ida Tigner Hodnett, Carl Bredell, Hattie Stickney Gale, F. Alex Barton, Eugene H. Greene, Ernest C. Moses
For several months prior to June, 1904, my eyes had been...
Douglas C. Ridgley with contributions from Belle A. Armstrong
When I first became interested in Christian Science I was...
Kenneth B. Elliman
Through the understanding that God is All in all I have...
Lillian J. Carrano
In February, 1905, my wife, in avoiding a street car...
H. Ruthven McDonald
I cannot withhold any longer my testimony of what...
Stephen Postalka
When I first heard of Christian Science I had for years...
N. M. Crawford
I came to Christian Science nearly two years ago, seeking...
Albert Stanford
Pass it On
From our Exchanges
with contributions from G. K. Newell