The recent piratical acts of Japanese sailors in poaching upon the Pribilof Islands has brought the question of pelagic sealing forward again prominently.
are glad to give prominence to the following letter, which makes plain the attitude of Christian Scientists toward their Leader and expresses the gratitude they feel for her Christian labors for them and for all mankind.
Jesus explained to Pilate that his life-mission was to bear witness unto the truth," and that such as were of the truth would hear his testimony, Pilate asked him the question that all men in their more thoughtful moments have surely asked, viz.
discernment, one of the essentials in the equipment of a Christian Scientist, is unattainable save as we reflect the Christ-wisdom which reveals the inwardness of motives, aims, desires,—in short, of the entire human character.
of the dominating habits of mortal mind is to judge things and persons by appearances, and the injustice and suffering which follow in the wake of this evil is indescribable.
Alfred Farlow
with contributions from C. Herbert Pierson
Our critic admits the truth of the proposition that darkness is simply the absence of light, and that when the light appears the darkness disappears, but he declares that "this is not true of the relation between good and evil in our personality.
Those who have made application for membership in The Mother Church previous to June, 1906, and have not received notice of election, may send inquiries to the Clerk, William B.
Wilmington is soon to be further adorned and advanced in the building line by a large and handsome new church, which is to be erected by First Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city.
the references of Christ Jesus to himself the deeply interesting fact is disclosed that the uniqueness of his nature inhered not in the absence of a human sense but in the continuous supremacy of the divine.
with contributions from Ida Tigner Hodnett, Carl Bredell, Hattie Stickney Gale, F. Alex Barton, Eugene H. Greene, Ernest C. Moses
following letter well expresses the "joy and upliftment" which came to many as the result of the services and meetings held in Boston in connection with the Communion and the dedication of the Extension of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist.
When I first became interested in Christian Science I was an utter skeptic, but knowing of a serious case of disease that had been cured by it, I decided to investigate it.
When only a child I had rebelled against the belief that God sent all sorts of affliction and misery on His children, that they might be purified and learn to love Him.
About seven years ago I was suffering intensely from a stomach trouble which physicians seemed powerless to relieve, although I was treated by them for a long time.
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