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Letters to Our Leader
[The following letter well expresses the "joy and upliftment" which came to many as the result of the services and meetings held in Boston in connection with the Communion and the dedication of the Extension of The Mother Church of Christ, Scientist. We are sure that all who took part in these services and meetings will thank the writer for her admirable letter,—EDITOR. ]
On the way back to Alabama,
Cambria, Va., July 4, 1906.
Beloved Leader:—The joy and upliftment of our dedication and Communion season have passed into history. Even though your moments may be too full of love-work to glance at this missive, it will help me just to express a little of what I saw and felt. I can only re-echo what our editors and others have said of the wonderful demonstrations at the six Sunday services and the ten Wednesday evening meetings, and fervently thank you for the teaching and living that have made these demonstrations possible in human history. You have led thousands upon thousands out of Egyptian bondage. What I want to speak of especially is the glory and light of the Annual Meeting on Tuesday—the business meeting for reports. In listening to the introductory reading from the Bible and Science and Health by our retiring President, Mr. McKenzie, and his inspiring remarks before presenting the incoming President, Mr. Gross, the passage in the last verse of the sixth chapter of Acts, on the trail of Stephen, came to me, when "all that sat in the council . . . saw his face as it had been the face of an angel." The same beautiful light was on the face of Mr. Gross during his address. Both men spoke of law and obedience,—Mr. McKenzie of becoming "gladly obedient to law." In speaking of you, the author of our text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mr. Gross said, "Obedience to the teachings of this book has brought us to this hour." In the despatch sent to you Judge Hanna used this expression: "Strict and intelligent recognition of, and obedience to the means by you provided," etc. Ah! this is what we need—to be able to recognize, to know the law, and then become "gladly obedient" thereto in both letter and spirit. The two are indissolubly wedded in the holy and health-giving Science of divine Mind discovered by you forty years ago, and fifty named "Christian Science." Thank you again and again for the teaching and living which will enable the faces of all humanity to shine as the faces of angels—"God's thoughts passing to men" (Science and Health, p. 581).
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August 25, 1906 issue
View Issue-
An Appreciative Letter
Arthur P. DeCamp
What is Truth?
Prof. Joel Rufus Mosley.
Spiritual Discernment
The Thrall of Deception
From Mrs. Eddy's Friends
Rachel F. Marshall
Our critic admits the truth of the proposition that darkness...
Alfred Farlow with contributions from C. Herbert Pierson
with contributions from William B. Johnson
At Last
The True Basis of Health
John B. Willis
The Divine Fatherhood
Annie M. Knott
Letters to Our Leader
with contributions from Ida Tigner Hodnett, Carl Bredell, Hattie Stickney Gale, F. Alex Barton, Eugene H. Greene, Ernest C. Moses
For several months prior to June, 1904, my eyes had been...
Douglas C. Ridgley with contributions from Belle A. Armstrong
When I first became interested in Christian Science I was...
Kenneth B. Elliman
Through the understanding that God is All in all I have...
Lillian J. Carrano
In February, 1905, my wife, in avoiding a street car...
H. Ruthven McDonald
I cannot withhold any longer my testimony of what...
Stephen Postalka
When I first heard of Christian Science I had for years...
N. M. Crawford
I came to Christian Science nearly two years ago, seeking...
Albert Stanford
Pass it On
From our Exchanges
with contributions from G. K. Newell