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In February, 1905, my wife, in avoiding a street car...
In February, 1905, my wife, in avoiding a street car, got in the way of a team of dray horses, one of which stepped on her right foot. This caused her to fall; and the wheels of the dray passed over both limbs, injuring her very severely. She was taken home, and a doctor summoned. He bandaged the limbs, and said it would be atleast three weeks before she would be able to place her feet to the floor, and that it might be months before she could walk properly. Shortly after the doctor had left, she began to suffer the most intense pain. I immediately telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner, giving the particulars of the affair, and in twenty minutes after I telephoned my wife was perfectly free from pain and did not suffer a moment thereafter.
The following morning, when the doctor called, he was very much surprised to learn that she had not suffered during the night, and judging from his actions, we could plainly see he was afraid her limbs were paralyzed. The appearances were very alarming, but all these conditions were promptly met by Christian Science, and in three or four days they had nearly all disappeared. In conclusion let me say, that in exactly twelve days she was down town shopping, and has been able to walk ever since without the slightest difficulty.
We thank God for me truth, as revealed in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.
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August 25, 1906 issue
View Issue-
An Appreciative Letter
Arthur P. DeCamp
What is Truth?
Prof. Joel Rufus Mosley.
Spiritual Discernment
The Thrall of Deception
From Mrs. Eddy's Friends
Rachel F. Marshall
Our critic admits the truth of the proposition that darkness...
Alfred Farlow with contributions from C. Herbert Pierson
with contributions from William B. Johnson
At Last
The True Basis of Health
John B. Willis
The Divine Fatherhood
Annie M. Knott
Letters to Our Leader
with contributions from Ida Tigner Hodnett, Carl Bredell, Hattie Stickney Gale, F. Alex Barton, Eugene H. Greene, Ernest C. Moses
For several months prior to June, 1904, my eyes had been...
Douglas C. Ridgley with contributions from Belle A. Armstrong
When I first became interested in Christian Science I was...
Kenneth B. Elliman
Through the understanding that God is All in all I have...
Lillian J. Carrano
In February, 1905, my wife, in avoiding a street car...
H. Ruthven McDonald
I cannot withhold any longer my testimony of what...
Stephen Postalka
When I first heard of Christian Science I had for years...
N. M. Crawford
I came to Christian Science nearly two years ago, seeking...
Albert Stanford
Pass it On
From our Exchanges
with contributions from G. K. Newell