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Items of Interest
A most important and far-reaching decision, as far as the interstate commerce law is concerned, was delivered last week by the Supreme Court, when by an undivided bench it laid down the new principle that railroads cannot deal in the commodities which they haul over their lines. This decision falls principally on the railroads which directly or indirectly own coal mines and sell their products. If the courts sustain the claim of the Interstate Commerce Commission, that private car lines are common carriers, the principle laid down may also include them, so that the owners of refrigerator cars would be prohibited from using their own cars for the transportation of their products.
It was estimated, when the Library of Congress was planned, that with an increase of thirty thousand books a year it would suffice, with the space to be filled in the courts, for one hundred and thirty-four years. It is now necessary to begin filling these court spaces, although the Library building proper has been open only eight years. Bound volumes of newspapers are largely responsible for the rapidity of the accumulation. It will also be necessary to transfer the copyright offices before many years to some other building.
Recent facts go to show that the interest in the classics appears to be increasing. From all sides in this country come reports that the number of students in Greek is increasing. Apropos to this fact is the announcement of two journals to be published by the University of Chicago Press. The one, Classical Philology, is to be a quarterly journal of research; the other, The Classical Journal, is published under the auspices of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
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March 3, 1906 issue
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Salvation through Right Thinking
Laying Hold upon Life
How Christian Science Taught me to Forgive
The True Rationalism
J. R. Mosley
I have taken great pains to investigate and talk with persons...
William G. Ewing
Christian Science is a revelation, an unfolding to human...
Willard S. Mattox
It is true that Christian Science teaches that the cause...
Norman E. John
Be it fully understood that Christian Science heals purely...
C. Herbert Pierson
Christian Scientists are followers of him who taught the...
James D. Sherwood
His [Jesus'] was not book religion, but experience religion
George Burman Foster
Among the Churches.
with contributions from Hannah Matthes
The Lectures
with contributions from W. A. Gracey, Charles P. Burton, A. B. Keith, Sr., Francis J. Fluno
The Golden Age
The Sunday Schools
Lewis C. Strang
"A Religion of Deeds."
Archibald McLellan
Man's Native Element
Annie M. knott
The Board of Lectureship
Letter to our Leader
with contributions from Ira W. Packard, Irving C. Tomlinson, Mildred Gordon, Lelia L. Smith, Helen Bessmer, Caroline B. Getty, Lillian Young Charters
Christian Science first came to my notice nearly four...
John Fagersten
I became actively interested in Christian Science about...
Alice Brown Nathan
Years ago I was converted and joined an orthodox church
Elizabeth Gillis
A statement of what Christian Science has done for me in . . .
Jerome H. Brown
I am reminded of the first Christian Science service I ever...
Mary E. Burrows
About eight years ago I experienced a very wonderful...
Kate Stone Thompson
Christian Science has brought me so many blessings that...
Nellie P. Samuels
When I first heard of Christian Science I thought that...
Valeska F. Leopold
Gratitude for Christian Science urges me to tell of a...
R. M. Jackson
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science
Anna L. Donges
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase