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BETWEEN thirty and forty years ago, advanced thinkers began to urge the necessity for progressiveness in religion as well as in all else, and some preachers courageously echoed this sentiment, even at the risk of being accounted heretics for so doing. Although this statement may pro voke a smile to-day, it is none the less true that orthodox people in general were shocked when some one was daring enough to say that no better reason could be offered for clinging to the opinions and modes of our ancestors in religion than could be named for clinging to their agricultural implements and means of locomotion. It is undeniable that a great change has come over the world's thinking since the advent of Christian Science, and it is surely a hopeful sign that changes are now welcomed if they give promise of leading mankind toward nobler ideals and purer living.
That progressiveness is desirable no Christian Scientist will deny, and it is well for us to keep in mind the fact that, having entered the gateway of Christian Science, we cannot stand still, though inherited tendencies might tempt us so to do. Science is in its very nature progressive, and prepares us to keep abreast of the world's advancing thought in every direction. It is, however, a very important question, whether we, as individuals, are keeping pace with the demands of Truth found in our text-book. If we are its faithful students we shall keep step with our Leader's thought, and thus gain a clearer sense of the vital purpose of Christian Science,—the exaltation of the spiritual, the good, and the true. In studying the revisions of Science and Health we can see that our Leader is enabled to make stronger and more uncompromising statements of the absoluteness, the supremacy of Spirit and spiritual law, as the world's thought yields up its long contention for the asserted power of evil, expressed in sin, disease, and death, and as Christian Science themselves prove in their daily experiences that God is All and that there is none beside Him.
Christian Science has come to declare God's allness, and in doing this it had to lay bare the unreal claim of mortal mind to govern the so-called human organism, and thus to produce sin and disease. The Master predicted this uncovering of error by Truth when he said of the Comforter that he should "reprove the world of sin," and then guide into "all truth,"—a prediction which is being fulfilled in the progressive ministry of Christian Science. Such being the case, we cannot afford to stand still,—to think, speak, write, or act as we did a year ago, still less, ten years ago. We need to take our bearings often, in order to see whether good is becoming more real to us; whether body means less and Mind more, whether matter is vanishing and eternal substance, Spirit, is unfolding to our gaze. If we are assured that we shall "plant our feet on firmer ground," and experience "painless progress, attended by life and peace" (Science and Health, p. 224).
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February 17, 1906 issue
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An Instance of Mrs. Eddy's Acumen
Giving and Receiving
"We have only as we give."
Giving to The Mother Church
A Message from the Workshop
Salvation is not through Mere Belief
Alfred Farlow
Christian Science in Denmark
Clara Mehder
At the National Military Home, Ohio
Lloyd B. Coate
A Morning Song
The Lectures
with contributions from J. W. Thomas, M. L. Cook, James S. Pritchett, A. C. Peter
"Progressing toward Unity."
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
"As a little child."
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from ARTHUR REEVES VOSBURGH, R. S. KELLERMAN, SARAH D. HILL, WM.A. CHILDS, Magdalena Fleming, Virginia S. Hoefer, Jennie M. Dellano
From early girlhood I was considered an invalid, having...
Phebe L. Haines
From childhood I was subject to fainting spells, and from...
Mary E. Chamberlin
A few years ago I was very ill with appendicitis, and the...
Bertha Schmitz
About the year 1885 I began to have medical treatment...
Rachel Barrett Taylor
About three years ago I was led to accept the position of...
Antoinette Choate
Seven years ago a dear friend, seeing my need, loaned...
Clara A. Gould
Perpetual Christmas
From our Exchanges
Arthur Chamberlain with contributions from Dean Hodges
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase