Paul was at Miletus on his way to Jerusalem, he found that he could not spare the time to go Ephesus and and return again, so he sent for the elders of the church to come and counsel with him.
child who has learned that two times two are four is as well qualified to tell this simple truth to another as is the person who has mastered all the higher branches of mathematics.
silent years the Master toiled,—when he, The well-beloved, bent with patient careO'er plane and work-bench, oftentimes for me,— God's hand marks their design.
Thankful should be our hearts when we realize that the God of fear, the God of anger and wrathful judgment, is being exchanged in our more enlightened thought for the God of love and joy and peace, and waiting multitudes are acknowledging and accepting God in all their ways; and that the better understanding of the Christ-truth and the knowledge of God which that understanding brings is healing the sick as well as the sinner in many thousands of instances.
A few years ago a lady interested in Christian Science donated to the library of The National Military Home, Ohio, near Dayton, four copies of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
path in life is smooth and fair;No fear or trouble—anywhere!For all along my way doth gleamThe light of Love, whate'er may seem;And in this light I walk serene—Where flowers bloom and fields are green.
with contributions from J. W. Thomas, M. L. Cook, James S. Pritchett, A. C. Peter
The annual lectures may be said to constitute a not unfair criterion of the progress of the Christian Science movement in London, and owing to the fact that all these lectures have been delivered in the same hall.
thirty and forty years ago, advanced thinkers began to urge the necessity for progressiveness in religion as well as in all else, and some preachers courageously echoed this sentiment, even at the risk of being accounted heretics for so doing.
moments of doubt and despondency, men often express the wish that they might again possess the simple faith of their childhood, and the general thought of the impossibility of its fulfilment renders this longing deeply pathetic.
From childhood I was subject to fainting spells, and from about ten years of age until I was healed through Christian Science, six years ago, I could not see, hear, or even think about disease or accidents of any kind without fainting, and I would not feel like myself again until the next morning.
It is over three years since I began to investigate Christian Science, and this is the first time that I have ever written anything concerning my healing through its agency.
Although I did not come to Christian Science for physical healing, I have benefited so much in health, and in other ways, since entering on this wonderful new life, that I would be ungrateful indeed if I did not express my thankfulness for it.
About three years ago I was led to accept the position of industrial teacher at a hospital for the insane, at which time I knew but little of Christian Science and was also ignorant of the mental perils.
Arthur Chamberlain
with contributions from Dean Hodges
Briefly, then, we find happiness to be normal for man, and the desire for it to be a law of his being and God-bestowed; we find mortal existence to be a failure so far as any permanent happiness is concerned, and to ultimate in defeat and death; we find that spiritual existence, though held merely as a future possibility, has given men courage and constancy, through ceaseless endeavor, to strive to make real, to some extent at least, a spiritual existence here and now, in flat defiance of material concepts and in the face of all logic based upon them.
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