Two years ago my wife myself were in very poor...

Two years ago my wife and myself were in very poor health,—she so poorly that I expected her soon to pass on: I in such a condition that existence was to me a burden. We had tried many doctors, and many remedies, with little apparent and no real benefit. We were in debt, in povery, and utterly unable to better our financial condition. My wife, unknown to me, turned to Christian Science, and was healed. I could but acknowledge the healing, yet religious prejudice kept me from acknowledging this Science as of God. Many were the battles between my mortal sense and the truth, before my feet were planted upon the Rock,—Christ, Truth. My progress has been slow, but to-day we are both in good health,—new creatures as it were,—almost out of debt, lacking nothing, except more truth; and I feel like exclaiming in the words of our beloved Leader, "Glory be to God, and peace to the struggling hearts!" (Science and Health, p. 45.) But great as has been our physical healing, the spiritual benefit has been so much greater, that were it not for the obligation I feel under to suffering humanity, I should scarcely think it worth while to enumerate the physical benefits. Hoping, however, some weary traveler in the wilderness of material illusion may hereby be led to the highway of truth, I will say that my wife was healed of asthma of fifteen years' standing, of an internal ulcer of the head, of nervous prostration, and general debility. I was healed of indigestion, nervous weakness, the grip neuralgia, constipation, and last but not least, the drink habit; as well as lust, envy, and malice. Besides these, I have made other demonstrations.

For all these benefits, the consecration of all I have or am, is but my reasonable service to God, to our beloved Leader, and to humanity,— Giles F. Hunt, Arkansas City, Kan.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science came to me in a very dark hour, when...
January 13, 1906

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