The Porte has addressed a formal note to the American legation at Constantinople confirming its undertaking to accord equal treatment to American schools and kindred institutions as granted to the most favored nation, "subject to the accomplishment of the usual departmental formalities.
been told that at the crest of the great Continental Divide which separates the waters of the Atlantic from those of the Pacific, there is a point where the slightest influence, even the breath of a summer zephyr, will determine whether a drop of water shall mingle with the broad Pacific, or become a part of the great ocean on the opposite side of the world.
The objection that in the treatment of children Christian Scientists "throw away what is certain for what is at least uncertain," cannot be substantiated, for there is no evidence that any material remedy is "certain" to cure in every case, and much testimony to the contrary; while skepticism and denial cannot change the fact that Christian Science does heal.
with contributions from Emma C. Shipman, Thos. E. Barr
A memorable occasion for the Christian Scientists of Northern New Hampshire, as well as for the followers of the faith among summer visitors, was the lecture at the pretty church near the White Mountain House, Sunday afternoon [August 7] by Bliss Knapp of Boston, a member of the Board of Lectureship of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston.
Christian Scientists
whose names appear in the Directory of Practitioners in The Christian Science Journal, also Readers in the branch churches, frequently receive circulars offering them an opportunity to make a fortune by investing any sum between five dollars and five thousand in some undeveloped but promising enterprise, which they are assured will pay phenomenal dividends at sometime in a more or less remote future.
Everything that goes to make up the sum-total of human experience must be subjected to the severest tests, and its worth or worthlessness decided by the results.
with contributions from Charlotte Ramsay, Laura, Herman L. Tourny, E. Mabel Tourny, R. E. Carey, Robt. D. Sinclair
The following letter from Lady Ramsay shows her deep appreciation of our Leader's work, and will be read with much pleasure by all who are interested in the advance of our Cause in Great Britain.
It is due the public that I make known a few facts relative to my wife's affliction and her instantaneous healing, which are briefly summed up as follows:—
Two years ago last June, on my return from a trip in far northwestern Colorado, I was surprised to find my wife, who had always appeared very healthy, quite sick with dropsy.
For the past eight years myself, husband, and five children have depended entirely upon Christian Science when there has been any sickness in our family, and never in a single instance has there been failure or any cause for wishing that we had used any means other than Christian Science.
As a member of another Christian denomination I had prayed to God sincerely and fervently to heal me, but the healing never came until I turned to Christian Science.
It is nearly five years since I first heard of Christian Science, and during that time I have been perfectly healed of catarrh and several other diseases through the reading of Science and Health.
I herewith add my testimony to the many already given, respecting the efficacy of the healing and transforming power of omnipotent Mind, as taught us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
I was a sufferer for several years with female weakness, heart trouble, neuralgia, and catarrh; and was treated by the leading doctors of this city without any permanent relief.
This is a doctrine that needs to be emplasized again and again with increasing energy in these days when many things that are purely material and worldly in their sources and tendencies are absorbing the attention of young men and women to the exclusion of the more important and vital things that make for high and worthy character and for helpful and beneficent life.
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