As I was emerging from boyhood I read one day a strong and beautiful poem whose lofty thought enshrined in noble words lingered in my memory for a long time, but in the passing of many years it seemed to have disappeared wholly from my conscious remembrance.
coming into Christian Science I have often wished for "the pen of a ready writer" that I might express the gratitude I feel for the many blessings which have come to me through the understanding of Truth as revealed in our inspired text-book, Science and Health.
definition of the word science is, "accumulated and established knowledge, which has been systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws: knowledge classified and made available in work, life.
There is a wide difference between healing that is wrought upon the basis that the curative power, God, is matter and Spirit working in unison, and healing that is wrought upon the basis that the curative power, God, is Spirit, Mind, Life, Truth, and Love.
In dealing with the subject of healing and when discussing the question of what constitutes the best method of treating the sick, the Christian Scientist speaks from a somewhat broader experience than does his neighbor.
A Prominent
editor is authority for the statement that from the editorial standpoint, Christian Science is not of as much interest as it was a few years ago; and while this statement may be true from his point of view, it does not alter the fact that the public is certainly more interested in the subject than ever before.
I have been a constant reader of the Sentinel since I began investigating Christian Science and taking treatment for physical ailments, and have received great encouragement and help by reading the testimonies of physical and spiritual healing.
After having delayed for so long, I at last resolved to relate my experience that others may know of the blessing which Christian Science has brought to me.
Having been in Christian Science about two years and a half, I thought it time to express myself in regard to the manifold blessings received both spiritually and physically.
Not for physical healing did I at first become interested in Christian Science, thought I have experienced many beautiful and instantaneous demonstrations of the power of Truth over error in this respect, but from the first moment that I read the words of the "little book," Science and Health, I knew it was the truth for which I had all my life been longing.
I feel I cannot longer refrain from expressing my gratitude to God for the great blessing Christian Science has brought into my life by the change it has wrought in my health, and also my disposition.
I prayed, Thy kingdom come! For winter longHad held the frozen earth in fetters bound;And wretchedness and misery, war and wrong,Age after age, did in the world abound.
There are many lessons to be received from this Gethsemane of our Lord, and one among the many is this: If we mark well the history of moral greatness in all ages we shall see that it is made to stand in the midst of any and every Gethsemane of trial; and that the triumph on Olivet only foreshadows a universal victory of a kindred righteousness.
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