The chief of the Insular Bureau of the War Department, has made public circulars calling for subscriptions for $7,000,000 Philippine land purchase bonds, the proceeds of which are to be applied to the purchase of the friars' lands.
a year ago Thanksgiving Day, we held our first service in the comfortable rooms which we now occupy, and only those who have had a similar experience can understand our satisfaction and happiness in the manifestation of harmony which has been brought out by loving hearts and willing hands.
fruitful source of prejudice against Christian Science unquestionably lies in the fact that many well-meaning Scientists too often make statements which other people do not understand, and which might bear better fruit if expressed differently and with greater care.
Christian Science teaches the science of right doing, and while it privides a way in which disease and suffering can be alleviated without recourse to hospitals and asylums, Christian Scientists recognize the present necessity for these institutions and, in many instances, are to be found among those who contribute to their support.
with contributions from Mary Baker G. Eddy, E. Howard Gilkey, Irving C. Tomlinson, C. A. Frye, Horace Dillon, Catherine Rumney
On Wednesday evening, November 25, 1903, over two hundred and fifty persons assembled in the weekly experience meeting, in the auditorium of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Columbus, O.
have before us a clipping from a newspaper published in one of the cities of the Middle West which reports the action taken at a recent regular monthly meeting of the local Ministerial Association.
among the religious problems which have given rise to almost endless questionings is one the thought of which has made many a heedless sinner pause, and, in some instances, threatened to turn remorse for sin into despair.
A little over two years ago Christian Science found me despondent, melancholy, and very unhappy, as I had been suffering with catarrh of the stomach for six years.
With gratitude and thanks to my Father who is in heaven, and with my heart full of love for our Leader, I am ready to acknowledge the abundance of benefits received from reading Science and Health, and also the help received from kind practitioners.
For some time I have desired sending to our Publishing Society a testimony of the great benefits received through Christian Science, but not till the October Journal came was I awakened to the opportunity of doing so at once.
I realize that long before this I should have given my testimony, telling of the wonderful help our family have received since coming into Christian Science.
Our two little bairnies, who have been with us, the one five, the other nearly seven years, slept together last night, and I was aroused during the night to find the elder screaming, frightened by a terrible dream or nightmare, which must have seemed very real to her.
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