Plans have been undertaken by a number of the patriotic societies to prevent the improvement of Manila at the sacrifice of the ancient wall of the city.
multitude of earnest and intelligent people here and abroad already know that Christian Science has meant "Life and Health" to them in times of crisis when other means have failed.
one great social question, particularly in a democracy, presents itself under three aspects: How shall I make the most of myself and still serve others?
view of the change in the date of Communion service in the branch churches from June 14 to July 12, the following will be the order of the lessons:—
the past few years, since the very general attendance of Christian Scientists from all over the world has become a feature incident to the Communion in the Mother Church, a custom has grown up which merits serious consideration.
requires no technical, military training to understand that the best soldier in the ranks is that one who has, among other things, the greatest confidence in the ability of his commanding officer.
it would be well for some of us to consider our testimonies to Christian Science healing, given in our meetings and elsewhere, and to be sure that they are always modest as all would wish them to be.
on securing rooms in private houses for visitors who do not wish hotel accommodations, will be in session at Mechanics Building Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 25—27, from 9 A.
Reports from Branch Churches to be read at the Annual Meeting of the Mother Church, to be held June 30, 1903, must be typewritten and be sent to the Clerk of the Mother Church in time to reach him on or before June 22, 1903,
I wish to give this testimony, hoping that it may help to lead others, as I was led, through the reading of some testimonies, to seek the truth of Christian Science.
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